Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Xen 4.2 Release Plan Update

Xen 4.2 Release Plan Update:
It’s been a while since the last 4.2 release update and a lot has

changed since then, so I suppose it is time for another update.
Way back at the start of April I posted the previous

which suggested we’d be doing the first release candidates

in mid/late April. Well, as might be expected, that turned out to be

rather optimistic!
Rather than get caught out again I’ve gone for a much more standard OSS

project release time line:
  • 19 March — TODO list locked down
  • 2 April — Feature Freeze
  • When It’s Ready — First release candidate
  • Weekly — RCN+1 until release
The good news is that since the previous update lots of progress has

been made and the list of blockers to release has been getting

smaller. There remains three largish items and a handful of smaller

ones. Almost all of which have seen multiple rounds of review and are

nearing fruition. (NB: items marked [BUG] or [CHECK] are not

considered blockers for RC0)
The list of outstanding issues is posted to xen-devel on a weekly basis, usually on a

Monday. The most recent posting is here.

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