Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pictures of Citrix's Poker Party at OSCON 2012!

Pictures of Citrix's Poker Party at OSCON 2012!:
If you weren't in Portland last week, you missed a fantastic OSCON. Perhaps the best part (aside from the weather, which - as a St. Louisan, I was deeply grateful for the respite) was the Citrix-sponsored poker party on Thursday night. A lot of people turned up to play a little poker, have a bit of pizza, and partake of some really good Portland beers. Not to mention, trying their hand at winning some of the prizes:
  • Top prize, a System 76 Gazelle laptop, went to Abigail with more than 28,000 in chips. (Note, participants started the evening with 300 in chips, so... wow.)
  • We also had a prize for the participant who knocked out OSCON co-chair and poker enthusiast, Sarah Novotny. That goes to John Llewellyn, who took the bounty well before the evening was over.
  • The next two runners up, Karen Rustad and Brian Bilek, each receive an Android Galaxy Nexus phone.
Thanks again to everyone who attended - it was a blast! Special thanks to Fedora's Robyn Bergeron, who came up with the idea and for providing Fedora playing cards for the tables and attendees.
Be sure to check out the photos from the event. Big thanks to O'Reilly photographer Pinar Ozger who turned up to get some really good shots of the party. (I also have a few in the gallery, and it's really easy to tell which photos were taken by the professional photographer and which are mine...)

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