Friday, August 24, 2012

A Look Into Tim Cook's First Year As CEO And His Recipe For A New Apple On Our Newest CultCast

A Look Into Tim Cook's First Year As CEO And His Recipe For A New Apple On Our Newest CultCast:

When a frail Steve Jobs announced it was time he leave Apple for good, it seemed an impossible task for anyone to fill his role as leader and CEO of one of the world's best tech companies. But someone needed to take the reigns, and so on our newest CultCast, we take a look into the first full year of Tim Cook as CEO, and ponder how the soft-spoken operations genius has imprinted Apple with his own unique DNA, and lead the company to heights many thought a post-Jobs Apple could never reach. And then, with iPhone 5 right around the corner, we'll tell you the best ways to sell or...

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