Thursday, August 16, 2012

Citrix Executives Speak Out about Having It All (Video Series)

Citrix Executives Speak Out about Having It All (Video Series):
After writing “Women Can Have It All (But What Does “All” Really Mean?),” I found myself discussing the topic with my Citrix colleagues on a number of occasions and was fascinated by the stories they shared. To explore the subject further, I asked two of those co-workers, Erin Hintz, VP and GM for Marketing and eCommerce, and Diane Gonzalez, VP of Engineering, to join me in a round-table discussion via GoToMeeting with HDFaces.
You can watch the 3-part series here: (or on YouTube here)
Video 1: Women in the Workplace: Having It All

Video 2: Women in the Workplace: Advice for Having It All

Women in the Workplace: Future Predications

What does having it all mean to you? Do you have advice for achieving work-life success? Do you think it will be easier to have it all in the future? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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