Monday, September 17, 2012

XA6.5 Server Role Manager Console Slow Startup | Citrix Blogs

XA6.5 Server Role Manager Console Slow Startup | Citrix Blogs

1 comment:

  1. If you have tried installing XenApp 6.5 before and you may have experienced that after clicking on the Server Role Manager it took like forever for the GUI console to show up. This could be because your XenApp server does not have Internet access and the server is trying to check for the application publisher’s certificate revocation. To get rid of this issue, go to the control panel, start Internet Options. In the Advanced tab, under Security section, uncheck the setting “Check for publisher’s certificate revocation”. After applying the change, the Server Role Manager should start up faster now.

    Check link below:

    Best Regards,
    Suliman Shah
