Monday, March 25, 2013

Be the 1000th Module on the Puppet Forge

Monday, March 25, 2013 4:04 PMBe the 1000th Module on the Puppet ForgePuppet LabsRyan Coleman

Four months ago, the Puppet Forge reached 600 modules, and our new team had started to build a bigger and better service. Today, we're nearing our 1000th module. As one of you makes that contribution to the Puppet Forge, we want to celebrate with you through three little giveaways.

The Puppet Forge is your service for discovering Puppet modules [docs]. You'll find modules for managing applications like Apache's httpd web server, facts for automatically gathering warranty information, types and providers for writing better modules yourself, and so much more. Whether you're looking for something to use as a starting point, or want to drive your entire OpenStack infrastructure with Puppet, the Forge has you covered.

To enter: Read below about our three giveaways and their rules. Then, fill out this form to make your submission.

General Rules

  • A participant may only win once. If you are randomly selected to win more than one entry, you will be awarded the highest value prize, and we will re-draw the other two.
  • Puppet Labs makes the final determination on whether a submission is valid.
  • We will only award digital gift cards from the U.S. or U.K. Amazon stores. No other prize fulfilment will be offered.
  • Puppet Labs may use details of your entry when announcing winners. Any mention will be anonymous.
  • This contest ends April 5th

Favorite Module

This one's simple. Simply tell us via our entry form about your favorite Puppet Forge module. I have a few personal favorites that I'll tell you about once the contest ends. :-)


  • Five random participants will received a $20 gift card to
  • Entry must be a Puppet Forge module and include a brief description on why you think the module is awesome. Don't just paste a random module link.

Contribute to an Existing Module

Having more modules is great, but let's not forget that we've got nearly 1,000 existing modules to maintain and improve. Some modules may just need improved module documentation while others may be broken and need your CPR.

For this part of our celebration, we want to see you contribute to a community member's module. Contribute something of substance to a non-Puppet Labs module between now and April 5th. Submit via our entry form, and five of you will receive a $50 gift card to


  • Five random participants will receive a $50 gift card to
  • Contribution must be made to a community member's module.
    • Your own modules do not count.
    • Puppet Labs modules do not count. This contest is about you, not us.
  • Your contribution must be made between now and April 5th
  • It does not need to be accepted by the author or published to Puppet Forge to be eligible.
  • Puppet Labs will determine whether the contribution is eligible. Documentation updates count, but will need to substantially make the module easier to use. We will not tell you if your submission is ineligible, so be serious about your patch!

Contribution ideas

  • Improve Documentation (Here's a great example)
  • Add support for your favorite operating system
  • Fix a broken part of a module
  • Contribute rspec-puppet tests
  • Use puppet-lint to better enforce style guide compliance
  • Publish a New Module

    Of course, we also want your new module contributions. We'll give away three $35 gift cards to for new modules.

    Here's the rub: it needs to be a new module submitted between now and April 5th, and it must automate something we don't already have. For example, don't enter with a new Apache module but consider publishing a module for Zenoss. Before you submit your entry, do a search for your module and check the first release date. If it's prior to March 25, your module may not be eligible.


    • Three random participants will receive a $35 gift card to
    • Module for doing X (where "X" is your submission) must not already exist on Puppet Forge as of March 25. Contribute something unique.
    • Duplicate modules when both are published as of March 25 or later will be accepted. Don't worry about losing your entry based on another's quicker submission.
    • Puppet Labs will determine whether the contribution is eligible. Submit something that actually does something and does it well. We will test each module.
    • The module's README must describe how to use the module. If we have to dig into your source code to use the module, it's not eligible.

    Learn More
    Want some tips for writing better modules?

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