Tuesday, April 30, 2013

DevOpsDays Austin: These Are Our People


Friday, April 26, 2013 1:49 PMDevOpsDays Austin: These Are Our PeoplePuppet LabsAliza Earnshaw

We go to a lot of events. No, really, we go to a lot of events, and take it from us, DevOpsDays is one of the very best. It's a chance to share and learn about making systems that run smoother, faster and more intelligently – and improve our lives, too.

This year, we're sponsoring DevOpsDays Austin, held April 30 and May 1 atThe Marchesa. Both days are filled with sessions you're sure to find valuable.  A couple of highlights:

May 1, 9:15 AMPatrick DeBois, organizer of DevOpsDays, will talk about the future of DevOps. Hint of what's to come in this tweet.

May 1, 9:35 AMGene Kim, champion of DevOps and assiduous studier of high-performing IT organizations, offers his perspective on "How Do We Better Sell DevOps?"

Come visit us at our sponsor table, where we'll have plenty on hand for you. Pick up a copy of our 2013 State of DevOps Report - you'll find all kinds of interesting facts about how DevOps practices make organizations more efficient. Ask us for a Puppet Enterprise demo. Don one of our famous t-shirts. Or just hang out and chat about all things DevOps and Puppet.

Speaking of Puppet, we're holding an entire day of Puppet content at PuppetCamp Austin on April 29, right before DevOpsDays. We invite you to register.

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