Saturday, April 13, 2013

Podcast: Getting Started with Puppet

Saturday, April 13, 2013 5:10 AMPodcast: Getting Started with PuppetPuppet LabsDawn Foster

DevOps Culture Podcast

In this episode of the Puppet Labs Podcast, I roamed around DevOpsDays London and Puppet Camp London tracking down a few people who didn't run away fast enough, and got them to participate in a podcast about getting started with Puppet.

I asked nine different people about how they got started with Puppet and got their advice for people who are just getting started now. Their path to Puppet and their advice varies widely, so you'll get a lot of different suggestions.

A huge thank you to the following people who participated in the interviews!

  • Jonas Rosland
  • Tom Doran
  • Kris Buytaert
  • Jonathan Thorpe
  • John Vincent
  • Sam Eaton
  • Sam Bashton
  • Jon Topper
  • Patrick Debois

I would also like thank David Coronel, who suggested we do more podcasts that help people get started with Puppet, along with other helpful feedback.

See the rest of the podcasts

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