Not only will you be expanding your IT knowledge at Synergy Los Angeles, but you now have the unique opportunity to register for free 45 minute Technical Support Live session with some of Citrix's top experts from Citrix Technical Support. Find out how you can register to be a part of these one on one sessions to discuss your IT technical issues and business challenges.

Free Technical Support Advice

A Citrix Technical Support Workshop is a unique opportunity for you to take advantage of a free 45 minute technical discussion with a Citrix Technical Support Engineer. During the session you have the opportunity to:

• Discuss your technical challenges

• Get advice on troubleshooting approaches

• Leave with troubleshooting tools and resources

To book one of the limited sessions with Technical Support please register below. These sessions will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Register for a Technical Support Live session.

We look forward to seeing you there.


David McGeough
Program Manager, WW Services Marketing
Citrix Systems