Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Transition from xen.org to xenproject.org


Monday, May 20, 2013 8:00 AMTransition from xen.org to xenproject.orgblog.xen.orgLars Kurth

This is just a quick note to you all, to outline the transition and timetable from the old xen.org main website to the new xenproject.org site. Other sites, such as lists.xen.org, blog.xen.org, wiki.xen.org and others will follow.

What will happen?

The xen.org site, will be moved to www-archive.xenproject.org and all pages will clearly be marked as archived. We will redirect:

The intention is that web searches for xen and xen project will lead to the new website, while making sure that the old content is still available. Also, we want to ensure that linkx to xen.org will not be broken.

What has already happened?

We already created www-archive.xenproject.org and set up the infrastructure for redirects. We also have a list of proposed redirects toxenproject.org. We also removed all links to xen.org from xenproject.org.

What is next?

We will be testing redirects on some of the less used xen.org pages in the coming days. Once we are confident, that all this works we will activate the redirects. The plan is to do this on June 8th.

How does this impact me?

Fundamentally, there should be no significant impact. If you check the Xen web pages regularly, you will be redirected to a corresponding new page or the archive.

If you have web real estate that links to xen.org, links will just be redirected to the new website. Although no links will be broken, you may want to …

  • Double check whether redirects go a location that matches your content
  • Ensure that links go to the new xenproject site (instead of the archived version)

If you are a vendor that is listed in the Xen Eco-system Pages, you are likely to see referrals from xen.org impacted. Thus, we would want to encourage you to create a new directory entries in the Xen Project Directory (which you can now do yourself, by creating a listing). We migrated static eco-system pages in the project and research categories (as these are more static). However we expect that other categories (Products, Consulting and Hosting) are owned (and changed as needed) by the respective vendors that provide a product or service.

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