Monday, June 17, 2013

CTX138026 - Steps to Recover From cloud_usage service Crash - Citrix Knowledge Center

CTX138026 - Steps to Recover From cloud_usage service Crash - Citrix Knowledge Center

Steps to Recover From cloud_usage service Crash

Document ID: CTX138026   /   Created On: Jun 17, 2013   /   Updated On: Jun 17, 2013
Average Rating: not yet rated
The cloud usage server fails abruptly and stops collecting the usage information when attempting to start the cloud-usage server as “service cloud-usage start”.
The /var/log/messages on the cloud-usage server have the following errors in the logs:
May 20 17:43:01 citrix cloud-usage[6946]: could not setuid() to uid 498
May 20 17:43:02 citrix cloud-usage[6944]: /usr/libexec/usage-runner exited abnormally with status 8
May 20 17:43:02 citrix cloud-usage[6944]: shutting down
May 20 17:43:02 citrix cloud-usage[6944]: syslog connection closed
The issue occurs when the number of open files allowed for cloud user or number of processes allowed for root user exceeds the default limits.
To resolve the issue:
  1. Login as root user to the machine running the cloud-usage service and add the following lines to /etc/security/limits.conf file:
    cloud hard nofile 8192
    cloud soft nofile 4096
    root soft nproc -1
    root hard nproc -1
  2. Logout as root user and login another time.
    This step is required to reflect the changes made (for root user) in the limits.conf file.
The cloud-usage service will start without any issues.
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