Monday, June 17, 2013

Get Ready to Hack at the Collaboration Conference

Get Ready to Hack at the Collaboration Conference

This coming Sunday (June 23rd) we'll be getting together at the CloudStack Collaboration Conference for hack day, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Santa Clara Convention Center.

The hack day is being run using the BarCamp/unconference format – meaning that the sessions will be chosen Sunday by the folks who show up. Sessions might run an hour or all day, depending on how much interest there is and how much needs to be done.

Have an idea for a session? A topic you want to lead or see discussed? Add it to the Hack Day at CCC13 page on the CloudStack Wiki. It is, of course, a wiki: so edit boldly!

Don't let the "hack day" moniker fool you – non-development topics and sessions are more than welcome. Giles Sirett has proposed a marketing session, and we'll likely have at least one documentation session as well. If it's CloudStack-related, it's fair game.

Pleased to see that we've got a pretty good selection of sessions already proposed, but we can always do with more. If you have an idea, put 'er up and show up Sunday ready to jam with the rest of the CloudStack community!

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