Saturday, June 15, 2013

Introduction to MCollective deck

Friday, June 14, 2013 6:09 AMIntroduction to MCollective deckPlanet DevOpsR.I. Pienaar

I've not had a good introduction to MCollective slide deck ever, I usually just give demos and talk through it. I was invited to talk in San Francisco about MCollective so made a new deck for this talk.

On the night I gave people the choice of talks between the new Introduction talk and the older Managing Puppet using MCollective and sadly the intro talk lost out.

Last night the excellent people at Workday flew me to Dublin to talk to the local DevOps group there and this group was predominantly Chef users who chose the Introduction talk so I finally had a chance to deliver it. This talk was recorded, hopefully it'll be up soon and I'll link to it once available.

This slide deck is a work in progress, it's clear I need to add some more information about the non-cli orientated uses of MCollective but it's good to finally have a deck that's receiving good feedback.

We uploaded the slides back when I was in San Francisco to slideshare and those are the ones you see here.

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