Friday, June 21, 2013

Podcast: Building a DevOps Team

Friday, June 21, 2013 9:31 AMPodcast: Building a DevOps TeamPuppet LabsKara Sowles

DevOps Team Podcast


Kelsey Hightower, operations manager at Puppet Labs, joins community lead Dawn Foster to talk about "Building a DevOps Team" in the latest Puppet Labs Podcast. They discuss topics relevant to those who move from technical roles into management.

Kelsey explores how we handle Shadow IT, how we embody DevOps without putting it in our job titles, and how to make management a true specialty alongside your technical prowess.

"You have to actually work at the management as a craft, you have to really respect it as a thing of its own. So, if you already have the technical chops, you need to make sure that you do a good job of trying to balance your expertise also on the management side. There's tough things, like, people have feelings. You can't just say, 'that sucks!' What you can do is whiteboard … collaborate with them."

Check out the 2013 State of DevOps Report for more on DevOps, based on a survey of over 4,000 IT professionals. Still struggling with how to manage your team? Gene Kim's The Phoenix Project presents the exciting tale of an IT manager in a pretty pickle, and how he solves it (or does he?).

See the rest of the podcasts.

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