Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Citrix and Open Source at OSCON 2013 [feedly]

Citrix and Open Source at OSCON 2013

At last week's O'Reilly OSCON 2013 Citrix waved their open source flag as the Diamond sponsor of the event and demonstrated a number of the open source technologies that they are helping to develop and promote. 

During OSCON the Open@Citrix team in conjunction with members of the open source community demonstrated four technologies that we think will drive cloud computing and other advances in IT solutions. 

Apache CloudStack - The infrastructure-as-a-service platform that powers thousands of cloud computing environments worldwide. 

Open Daylight - The new collaborative project hosted by the Linux Foundation and sponsored by Brocade, Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, Red Hat and many more.  

Xen Project - The Xen Project is the home for several virtualization related open source projects, and Xen Project is the new name for the Xen open source community. The Xen Project develops virtualization technologies powering the world's largest clouds in production and is the foundation of many commercial products.

Citrix XenServer - XenServer is a turnkey open source virtualization solution that provides out-of-the box virtualization and cloud computing. XenServer includes the Xen Hypervisor, the enterprise ready XAPI toolstack and integrations for cloud, storage and networking solutions.

Open@Citrix Related Talks 

The following talks were presented by the Open@Citrix team or by the members of the communities they support. These slides are linked and well worth reviewing. 

Keynote, Creating Communities of Inclusion, Mark Hinkle (Abstract, Slides, Video)

Hitchhiker's Guide to Open Source Cloud Computing, Mark Hinkle (Abstract, Slides)

Software Defined Networking: Adding Network Agility to the Cloud, Sebastien Goasguen (Abstract, Slides)

Case Study: What to do when your project outgrows your company, Lars Kurth (Abstract, Slides)

Introducing Apache CloudStack, Kevin Kluge (Abstract, Slides)

Stage 2 Management Systems | Building A Foundation For Flexible Service Delivery(Abstract, Slides)

Mirage: Extreme Specialization Of Cloud Appliances (Abstract

We had a great time at OSCON this year and look forward to many more to come. 

[Photo Courtesy of O'Reilly Conferences via Flickr.]  

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