Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Free GigaOm Webinar on Game Plan for DevOps Adoption & Implementation [feedly]

Free GigaOm Webinar on Game Plan for DevOps Adoption & Implementation

via feedly.com

As you can see in our 2013 State of DevOps report, using DevOps practices is closely associated with high performance, as measured by agility and reliability. While it's clear that DevOps practices offer improvements in operational performance and deployment quality, a lack of documented best practices has made it difficult for IT managers to ensure the success of their DevOps initiatives.

We're pleased to be part of the upcoming GigaOm analyst webinar, Next Steps toward DevOps: A Game Plan for Adoption and Implementation, to help fill in this gap. Join GigaOm analysts Cormac McCarthy and Paul Duvall; Puppet Labs CTO Nigel Kersten; and Gene Kim, author of The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win on Thursday, July 11 at 10:00 am Pacific to learn more about bringing DevOps into your organization. Topics of discussion will include:

  • What is DevOps and why does it matter?
  • How can IT quantify the value of DevOps?
  • How can businesses overcome common barriers to DevOps adoption?
  • How can DevOps champions promote awareness and adoption?
  • What are the first steps toward adopting a DevOps methodology?
  • How can businesses attract and retain employees with DevOps skills?
  • How have other successful businesses transitioned to DevOps?

Whether you're working within a large infrastructure bogged down with legacy code — and perhaps even dealing with ops and dev teams that hold years-old grudges — or starting completely fresh and hiring your first sysadmins, we hope you'll gain a deeper understanding of how to bring DevOps into your organization in a smart way.

Learn More:

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