Saturday, July 20, 2013

Whitepapers: Protecting VMs in a Multi-Tenancy Environment [feedly]

Whitepapers: Protecting VMs in a Multi-Tenancy Environment

Segregation of network data is a basic business requirement when deploying applications, desktops or virtual machines in an environment where you cannot trust all users of the network. This is an inherent issue in public and private clouds because of the lack of physical segregation of systems. XenServer, and cloud infrastructures built on XenServer, provide the high level of protection needed by organisations and regulatory authorities. The choice of technologies which are tried and trusted in global organizations, have been improved and extended in XenServer 6.1.0. This White Paper highlights the VLAN improvements, VM aware multi-tenancy extensions, and the updated Open vSwitch. XenServer is a key enabler for Software Defined Networks: the virtualised network infrastructure that many cloud service providers and large enterprises are now deploying.

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