Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Cloudy Journey

A Cloudy Journey

"Hi everyone, I'm the new guy on the team. I'm writing this post both as a way to get to up to speed on how this blogging platform works as well as a kind of introduction.

So lets get things started with the introduction part. I'm Reuven Cohen, my friends call me rUv, it sounds kind of like groove. I'm new to Citrix, I joined earlier this week in the role of Chief Cloud Advocate. I have a long history in the open source and cloud computing space. Back in 2004 I founded Enomaly, our earliest claim to fame was the creation of one of the very first so called infrastructure as a service platforms (Enomalism - GPL v2). Back in those days it consisted of a web accessible API on top of the Xen hypervisor. The idea was simple, a way for the app layer to communcate with the infrastructure layer for easy horizontally scale (or scale out) as demand required. Most people told me that the idea was crazy. I was informed that virtualization was for consolidation and nothing more. Although it took awhile, eventually people came around to the idea. 

Later I was lucky enough to be involved in some nascent cloud initiatives including Amazon's EC2 as an early adviser and later cofounding CloudCamp. I also helped draft the first version of the NIST definition of cloud computing which lead to the broader adoption of cloud computing with in the U.S federal government. So you could say I'm a cloudy guy. 

The first question you're probably going to ask is what exactly does a Chief Cloud Advocate do? The answer is a lot of things. The marketing folks describe it as helping to increase the volume, reach and influence of Citrix's extensive portfolio of cloud solutions. But that doesn't really answer the question. 

According to the dictionary, an advocate is a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of a person, company or cause. For me that cause is the establishment of an open and interoperable cloud ecosystem. My belief is that Citrix has the best positioned portfolio of cloud components of any technology company today. My mission is to try help make sure that everyone in every industry in every part of the world knows this. Sounds ambitious I'm sure. But that's how I roll.

In the coming weeks I will be discovering and learning about the inner workings with in the Citrix ecosystem. This includes our apps, tools, contributors, customers and partners. As I learn I will attempt to share my experiences on this blog.

If you're interested in interacting with me on other social networks, please feel to follow me on any of the follow services.

Twitter: @rUv (Be warned, I tweet - a lot!)

You may also want to read some of writing on my Forbes Magazine column at or listen to my Podcast at 

If you would like chat about anything, feel free to ping me!

Reuven Cohen
Chief Cloud Advocate, Citrix"  

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