Monday, August 26, 2013

Hi, I’m Barry, Opscode’s New CEO [feedly]

Hi, I'm Barry, Opscode's New CEO

Today I was appointed Opscode's CEO. Mitch Hill is stepping down due to a personal health battle. Mitch remains part of Opscode both as a Board member and as a special advisor. The entire Opscode crew is deeply grateful for his leadership and guidance during the past two years.   Opscode would not be the company that it is today without Mitch's accomplishments. To say that we are all pulling for Mitch is a gross understatement.

If not for Mitch's health, this would otherwise be an exhilarating time to take the leadership role at Opscode. I've been at the company for five months; during this time I've been amazed by both the diversity and depth of what you all are doing with Chef. You are changing the world with Chef.

For now, I simply want to make a nod to the Chef Community and to highlight some of what we're working on as a company.

So, as my first action as CEO, I want to recognize and thank the Chef community. Much of the success of Chef and Opscode is due to the tremendous community support that we enjoy. This support has been wide and across markets including web companies, cloud providers, and our fastest area of growth, the enterprise. You will see Opscode make strong and continued investment in our community.

What else is on our core list that will receive our continued attention and focus? This:

  • It should be easy to be successful with Chef and;

  • We should give organizations reason to buy from Opscode.

These are an extension of our deep commitment to Open Source. The more successful Opscode is as a company, the more investment we can and will make in Open Source Chef and other related Open Source projects.

I look forward to working closely with all of you for many years to come!


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