Thursday, August 29, 2013

Whip Up Awesome w/the Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook [feedly]

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Whip Up Awesome w/the Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook

The Chef Community and its many awesome contributors keep doing amazing things. Case in point, our friend Matthias Marschall (a software engineer 'made in Germany' and CTO at GmbH helping run Germany's biggest Q&A site) just published his new book "Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook".

Check out the synopsis:

Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook has all the required recipes to configure, deploy, and scale your servers and applications, irrespective of whether you manage 5 servers, 5,000 servers, or 500,000 servers.

Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook is a collection of easy-to-follow, step-by-step recipes showing you how to solve real-world automation challenges. Learn techniques from the pros and make sure you get your infrastructure automation project right the first time.

Available here, it's a dynamite Chef resource created by one of us in the Community. Chef has always been about a group of like-minded practitioners working together to help each other build better infrastructure and Matthias' new book keeps that tradition going strong.

Whether you're new to Chef or a long-time user, Matthias has something to teach all of us. All of us here at Opscode thank Matthias for the Herculean effort he put into this project and hope all of you in the Community benefit from what he's created.

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