Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Introducing Open Source XenRT [feedly]

Introducing Open Source XenRT

As a follow up activity to the open sourcing of XenServer, Citrix is pleased to announce the open sourcing of its automated test platform, XenRT.

XenRT ("Xen Regression Test") is a test automation framework, written in Python, providing abstractions for the various components under test (pool, host, VM, storage, network etc). The library code which makes up these abstractions simplifies the process of writing tests, allowing quite complex operations to be performed in a single method call.

In a full deployment, XenRT handles all aspects of the testing process - it will schedule a test job onto a host, bootstrap it (via DHCP/PXE), install the build to be tested, carry out the testing, and collect all necessary logs for troubleshooting, without any user interaction required.

In addition to basic functional, regression, and stress testing, XenRT has suites of tests that are used for testing performance, scalability, and interoperability.

Within Citrix, XenRT is used with a distributed lab comprised of an extremely wide range of hardware, and is developed and maintained by a team of some 25 developers. Tests are also written and executed directly by the wider XenServer engineering team, in a true "Test-as-a-Service" platform - see this post on the Citrix blog for more information.

XenRT has been open sourced to leverage Citrix's experience and resources in test automation to help improve the quality of open source Xen and XenServer releases, to benefit the entire community.

To get started with XenRT, follow the links below to the code and a README document (which contains getting started instructions - further documentation will follow in the near future). For discussion a mailing list has been created - information about this can be found at https://lists.xenserver.org/sympa/info/xenrt-users.

Download links:
README document
Main XenRT tarball
Third party test resource tarball
Source for third party resources (not required for normal operation)  

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