Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Countdown to RICON West [feedly]

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Countdown to RICON West

October 1, 2013

On October 29-30th, RICON West will take over the St. Regis in San Francisco. RICON is Basho's distributed systems conference that brings together engineers, developers, scientists, and architects. You can purchase tickets for this almost sold-out event here: ricon-west-2013.eventbrite.com/

This year's keynote speaker is Jeff Dean, Google Fellow at Google Inc. His talk entitled, "The Tail at Scale: Achieving Rapid Response Times in Large Online Services," will describe a collection of techniques and practices that lower response times in large distributed systems whose components run on shared clusters of machines, where pieces of these systems are subject to interference by other tasks, and where unpredictable latency hiccups are the norm, not the exception. He will also share examples of how these techniques are used in various pieces of Google's systems infrastructure and in various higher-level online services.

RICON West also features speakers from academia and industry, including: Peter Bailis (UC Berkeley), Justin Sheehy (Basho), Pat Helland (Salesforce.com), Jeff Hodges (Twitter), Diego Ongaro (Stanford University), Susan Potter (Finsignia), Ryland Degnan and Jason Brown (Netflix), Miles O'Connell (StackMob), Derek Murray (Microsoft), Raja Selvaraj and Arvinda Gillella (The Weather Company), and many others.

If you'll be in San Francisco on Oct. 28th, we will also be hosting a full-day Riak training. This training will teach you everything you need to know to start building highly available, scalable systems on Riak. Tickets to both the training and RICON are still available.

RICON West wouldn't be possible without our amazing sponsors. Special thanks to Seagate, Engine Yard, Yammer, Google, SoftLayer, The Register, and Tower3.

Be sure to grab tickets to RICON West before they sell out and see you in San Francisco!


Sent from my iPad

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