Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Chef Treks through Europe Pt. II (FOSDEM & CfgMgmtCamp) [feedly]

Chef Treks through Europe Pt. II (FOSDEM & CfgMgmtCamp)
// Chef Blog

Last week we kicked off our "travel diary" detailing the European adventures of our stateside Chefs joining our European team for some awesome events. After hanging at the London Cloud Summit today, we've got lots more to see and do.

Tomorrow, Jan. 30, you can attend our 2-Day #learnchef training in Amsterdam. If you've already learned Chef and just want to hang, we'll have folks at Monki Gras in London, also taking place Jan. 30-31.

Then you can spend a wonderful weekend with us at FOSDEM 2014, in Brussels. We're co-organizing a Configuration Management Devroom, where Chef's Sean O'Meara is speaking on "Configuration Management 101″, 11:00 am CET on Saturday, Feb. 1. Michael Ducy is also speaking at FOSDEM in both the Configuration Management Devroom ("Deploying Cloudstack with Chef" at 1 pm CET on Saturday. Feb. 1) and the Distributions Devroom on Cross-Distro Automation at 11:00 am CET on Sunday, Feb. 2. Joining Sean and Michael will be many Awesome Chefs from the Community giving some dynamite talks. No better place to spend your weekend than with Chef in Brussels!

From Brussels we travel to Gent (also in Belgium) for CfgMgmtCamp, Feb. 3-4. Chef's founder and creator Adam Jacob is keynoting at Noon CET on Feb. 3, with a presentation entitled, "How to Win Friends and Influence Computers," in which Adam will cover:

  • Devops and Continuous Delivery are reactions to the same fundamental business forces – simply solutions to the problem driven from a different point of view.
  • The 5 key drivers of successfully transforming your organization into a healthy, agile, forward-leaning, awesome place to work.
  • Why the best advice about automation projects is the worst advice in the face of a transition this huge.

Following Adam's keynote, a bunch of Chefs will be hosting a Chef Community breakout for all of you wanting to hear the latest on Chef's evolution, talk shop, swap stories, or just hang. It's going to be, well, awesome.

But wait, there's more! (Shameless game show plagiarism). And for details on the final leg of our European travels, come back in the next couple days for all the details.

Until then… #getchef.

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