Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hangouts with Basho [feedly]

Hangouts with Basho
// Basho Technologies

January 29, 2014

On Fridays, Basho hosts a Hangout to discuss various topics related to Riak and distributed systems. While Basho evangelists and engineers lead these live Hangouts, they also bring in experts from various other companies, including Kyle Kingsbury (Fatcual), Jeremiah Peschka (Brent Ozar Unlimited), and Stuart Halloway (Datomic).

If you haven't attended a Hangout, we have recorded them all and they are available on the Basho Technologies Youtube Channel. You can also watch each below.

Data Types and Search in Riak 2.0

Featuring Mark Phillips (Director of Community, Basho), Sean Cribbs (Engineer, Basho), Brett Hazen (Engineer, Basho), and Luke Bakken (Client Services Engineer, Basho)

Bucket Types and Configuration

Featuring Tom Santero (Technical Evangelist, Basho), Joe DeVivo (Engineer, Basho), and Jordan West (Engineer, Basho)

Riak 2.0: Security and Conflict Resolution

Featuring John Daily (Technical Evangelist, Basho), Andrew Thompson (Engineer, Basho), Justin Sheehy (CTO, Basho), and Kyle Kingsbury (Factual)

Fun with Java and C Clients

Featuring Seth Thomas (Technical Evangelist, Basho), Brett Hazen (Engineer, Basho), and Brian Roach (Engineer, Basho)

Property Based Testing

Featuring Tom Santero (Technical Evangelist, Basho) and Reid Draper (Engineer, Basho)

Datomic and Riak

Featuring Hector Castro (Technical Evangelist, Basho), Dmitri Zagidulin (Professional Services, Basho), and Stuart Halloway (Datomic)


Featuring John Daily (Technical Evangelist, Basho), David Rusek (Engineer, Basho), and Jeremiah Peschka (Brent Ozar Unlimited)

A Look Back

Featuring John Daily (Technical Evangelist, Basho), Hector Castro (Technical Evangelist, Basho), Andy Gross (Chief Architect, Basho), and Mark Phillips (Director of Community, Basho)

Hangouts take place on Fridays at 11am PT/2pm ET. If you have any topics you'd like to see featured, let us know on the Riak Mailing List.


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