Monday, January 20, 2014

Prep for Our Webinar w/Adobe on 1/23 [feedly]

Prep for Our Webinar w/Adobe on 1/23
// Chef Blog

This Thursday, 1/23, at 10 am PT, our friend John Martinez, who manages the Cloud Platform Engineering team at Adobe, will be joining us for a webinar detailing how his team uses Enterprise Chef, Jenkins, AWS, and more to operate a large, sophisticated cloud infrastructure.

Before John takes us deep under the covers of Adobe's cloud, we recommend you get familiar with John and the basics of the Adobe story by watching his #ChefConf 2013 presentation, "Zero to Production in Crazy Time":

There are a ton of interesting facets to Adobe's story and we look forward to having you all join us for some dynamite discussion on Thursday. Register here. 

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