Thursday, February 6, 2014

Chef Client 11.10.0 Release [feedly]

Chef Client 11.10.0 Release
// Chef Blog

Ohai chefs,

Today we are releasing Chef Client 11.10.0. This release contains some bug fixes and lots of contributions from our awesome community. Check out our release notes for the highlights of this release.

This release's MVP is Nikhil Benesch with his fix for CHEF-4725. Nikhil has resolved the issue of output buffering while running Chef with Vagrant by diving into the internals of logging in Chef. Thanks for the awesome contribution Nikhil.

Also in our last release announcement, we've forgot to mention the MVP of OHAI 6.20.0 release Paul Rossman. He made Ohai Google Compute Engine (GCE) plugins compatible with the new metadata APIs. Thanks a lot for your contribution Paul.

As usual you can get this release from our install page or with

curl -L "" | sudo bash  

Any you can download the Windows installer package here.

Here is the list of fixes and contributions that are going into this release:

  • [CHEF-1260] – File Resource shouldn't checksum large files if checksum is not needed
  • [CHEF-1459] – Chef::Provider::Group::Pw doesn't support append members on FreeBSD
  • [CHEF-1699] – Getting group not working right after useradd
  • [CHEF-1977] – recipes added via include_recipe are not found via search for recipes:<name>
  • [CHEF-2688] – group resource fails if group already exists
  • [CHEF-3012] – Windows group provider is not idempotent for domain users
  • [CHEF-3297] – The groupmod provider should allow you to remove individual users
  • [CHEF-3531] – data bags searched by the 'users' cookbook can't have dots in the value for 'id'
  • [CHEF-3539] – inconsistent man page for chef-client
  • [CHEF-3582] – whyrun mode fails for user resource lock action
  • [CHEF-3651] – group provider on suse Linux adds user multiple times
  • [CHEF-3691] – Windows provider for service resource automatically times out after 60 seconds
  • [CHEF-3940] – Chef::Provider::Git with user attribute queries /root/.conf/git/config
  • [CHEF-3983] – control-c during chef-client runs leave child processes around
  • [CHEF-4347] – Typo in generated cookbook README when using knife
  • [CHEF-4358] – Chef client fails when invoked with an empty environment
  • [CHEF-4363] – Unable to add event handlers from config file
  • [CHEF-4420] – mailto attribute in Cron resource can not be removed once set
  • [CHEF-4439] – A single character is valid user name in linux/unix (hence valud owner of a file)
  • [CHEF-4441] – decrypting an encrypted data bag w/o a key now throws "can't convert nil into String"
  • [CHEF-4498] – doesn't work on FreeBSD 9.1
  • [CHEF-4709] – knife bootstrap of Solaris fails again
  • [CHEF-4725] – Chef 11.8 buffers all output until the end of the run instead of displaying as it runs
  • [CHEF-4730] – knife environment compare
  • [CHEF-4733] – Directory, template providers: owner validation fails on single-character strings
  • [CHEF-4734] – Stop enforcing group/owner regular expressions
  • [CHEF-4748] – Knife data bag accepts different ID validation during "data bag item from file" and "data bag edit" vs the "data bag create"
  • [CHEF-4762] – http_request with action :head does not behave correctly in 11.8.0
  • [CHEF-4782] – chef service provider action "enable" not idempotent on ubuntu/debian
  • [CHEF-4806] – debian service not idempotent and ignoring S runlevel
  • [CHEF-4822] – Remove unused instance variable startup_type from service resource
  • [CHEF-4825] – Omnitruck and overall rollup ticket
  • [CHEF-4842] – User resource comparison fails if comment includes unicode characters
  • [CHEF-4845] – Invalid regexp in aix package provider
  • [CHEF-4850] – Chef::Util::FileEdit leaks handle
  • [CHEF-4913] – ffi 1.3.1 is too low a version when using Ruby 2.0.0 with Windows
  • [CHEF-4914] – integration tests fail when there is another chef-client first in the PATH
  • [CHEF-4963] – Mixlib-shellout library is incorrect for Chef 11.8.2
  • [CHEF-4983] – Incompatibility with ChefSpec introduced by CHEF-4958
  • [CHEF-2418] – 'knife ssh' should prompt for user password
  • [CHEF-3734] – add options to control "git checkout -b deploy"
  • [CHEF-3857] – allow convert attributes to ruby hashes for easy modification
  • [CHEF-4093] – knife environment compare
  • [CHEF-4110] – ruby_blocks should support why_run
  • [CHEF-4421] – Improve "No cookbook found" error message
  • [CHEF-4616] – Chef-client Cannot Handle Bare IPv6 In chef_server_url
  • [CHEF-4632] – Loosen JSON dependency to support 1.8.0+
  • [CHEF-4633] – deep merge should not re-assign dest var for every key in a source hash
  • [CHEF-4639] – writing credentials files with `file` or `template` may leak credentials in diffs
  • [CHEF-4673] – change doc URL in shell to
  • [CHEF-4676] – depend on net-ssh-multi 1.2.0
  • [CHEF-4700] – Remove an unused variable in spec/unit/client_spec.rb
  • [CHEF-4703] – Refactor handle_command_failures method.
  • [CHEF-4747] – Allow configuring how many threads will be used for knife cookbook upload
  • [CHEF-4759] – chef-solo on Windows prints out ASCII escape sequences
  • [CHEF-4849] – Package resource should implement variables method for use with templates
  • [CHEF-4852] – Print total resources along with updated resources in doc formatter
  • [CHEF-4909] – Add support for loading a static list of plugins to knife
  • [CHEF-4958] – (Refactor) Extract policy setup code from Chef::Client to a new component
  • [CHEF-4379] – Adding runtime in stdout for Chef 11
  • [CHEF-4910] – Ruby 2.1 compatibility
  • [CHEF-4984] – Experimental Support for Policyfile-based node policy
  • [CHEF-3041] – Group::Aix provider should have specs
  • [CHEF-3042] – Group::Suse provider should have specs

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