Monday, February 3, 2014

Chef Treks through Europe Pt. III (CfgMgmtCamp & Infrastructure.Next) [feedly]

Chef Treks through Europe Pt. III (CfgMgmtCamp & Infrastructure.Next)
// Chef Blog

Continuing our adventures through Europe, we're rolling into Gent, Belgium for CfgMgmtCamp, Feb. 3-4. Chef's founder and creator Adam Jacob is keynoting at Noon CET on Feb. 3, with a presentation entitled, "How to Win Friends and Influence Computers," in which he'll cover everything from the five drivers of successful DevOps to the best – and worst – advice for transforming your organization into a healthy, agile, awesome place to work.

Adam isn't the only Chef on the menu however (terrible pun). We've got a whole contingent on the main track:

-  Mandi Walls about Disaster Recovery Strategies with Configuration Management

-  Michael Ducy about The Goat and Silo Problem

-  Michael Goetz about My Parents Configured Their Living Room

-  Julian Dunn about Configuration Management Isn't Everything

-  Sean OMeara about Testing Configuration Management

All of the Chef's on-site will also be taking part in our Chef Community breakout, where we'll talking about the latest in Chef's evolution, so come hang out!

Following CfgMgmtCamp, we're staying in Gent for Infrastructure.Next, to talk about the future of the data center. Michael Ducy (a very busy man!) is speaking again and giving everyone who missed his London Cloud Summit talk a chance to hear, "The Road to the Hybrid Cloud is Paved with Automation". There's a ton of other great talks and as show co-organizer Joe Brockmeier of Red Hat describes it:

"The goal here is to talk about the evolution of the data center, and spotlight some of the technologies and practices that organizations should be using to make the most of their IT investments."

And we're still rolling… back to London, where we'll conclude our European tour with #learnchef 2-Day training Feb. 5-6. If you're looking to get your Chef skills up to speed, this is the place to do it.

Oh, but wait, there's even more! After training concludes for the day on Feb. 5, Nathen Harvey is joining the Infracoders London meetup group to talk Test-Driven Development with Chef. Full detail here.


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