Monday, March 24, 2014

Chef Supermarket – The New Community Site [feedly]


Chef Supermarket – The New Community Site
// Chef Blog

We're Finally Making Progress On A Better Community Site Experience

Chef is awesome. Our existing community site experience…OK, but not awesome. We announced plans to revamp and open source the community site at the Community Summit in November and now were making good progress on that with Supermarket.

We've been working with the team over at FullStack to build a replacement for the community site. It's time to update you on our progress and ask for your help!

Streamlining the Path to Your First Commit

One of the primary objectives of the new site is to make it easier to participate in the open source projects that Chef maintains.

Signing a Contributor License Agreement (CLA), the first step toward submitting a pull request, has always been a less than delightful experience. With the new Supermarket, you'll be able to sign a CLA and manage your company's Corporate Contributor License Agreement (CCLA) easily and without needing to involve Chef's legal team.

Additionally, we're adding in some integration with Github so that we can automatically verify that you've signed a CLA when you submit a pull request. If you haven't, we'll drop a comment on your pull request asking you do to so.

There are still a couple of very important steps before we can launch the Supermarket site including handling data migration, user accounts, and displaying cookbooks.

We Can't Build Supermarket Without You. Get Involved.

We're busy working out the user account and data migration but are ready for you to start pitching in!

We've started work on the user interface for cookbooks in the Supermarket and need your feedback on the wireframes we've put together! Checkout Supermarket issue #174 and join in the discussion there!

How can I get involved?

We're excited to count you among the team of professionals that are helping shape the future of the Chef Supermarket! Here are some ways you can get involved in the project:

A Special Thanks To Our Current Contributors

@tristanoneil, @sethvargo, @brettchalupa, @bcobb, @smith, @danvolkens, @gabeweaver, @btm, and @jtimberman


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