Saturday, March 22, 2014

Hands-on CloudStack Session with David Nalley! [feedly]


Hands-on CloudStack Session with David Nalley!
// CloudStack Blog

First off – a huge thank you goes out to NetApp and Kim White for hosting the CloudStack SF Bay Area Users Group on March 19th! It was a wonderful venue and they were so generous to provide pizza, refreshments beer and cupcakes to keep the CloudStackers going through the evening.

John Kinsella kicked off the night with a quick introduction and reminder about the CloudStack Collaboration Conference held in Denver, CO April 9-11th, 2014. A few of our very own CloudStackers have submitted talk proposals for the CloudStack Collaboration Conference. Their talks have gotten accepted and they will be speaking at the conference! Congratulations to Amogh Vasekar and Marco Massenzio! There's still time to register for the conference so don't delay! If you're already planning to attend, check out their presentations:

Moving up the Stack with Stacktician by Amogh Vasekar, Software Engineer at Citrix 

Towards an Automated Testing Environment by Amogh Vasekar, Software Engineer at Citrix

Challenges in Developing a True SaaS Cloud Mobility Platform by Marco Massenzio at RiverMeadow

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We had a guest speaker, David Nalley, join us all the way from South Carolina. David is a PMC member of the Apache CloudStack project, jClouds committer, Fedora contributor and an Open Source Evangelist for the Open Source Business Office at Citrix. He started off the session with a review of clients and tools available for CloudStack. The clients and tools included, CloudMonkey, libcloud, jClouds, Deltacloud, Ruby Client, Stackmate, GCE, Apache Whirr and Chef with Knife-cs. You can view the slides here.

After the review, he walked attendees through installing and configuring cloud monkey, then using that to control one of Citrix's development clouds, and then had people work with knife-cloudstack. Amogh Vasekar, John Kinsella and David made their way around the room answering questions that came up.

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On behalf of the organizers (John Kinsella, Animesh Chaturvedi, Ilya Musayef and myself), we want to thank NetApp for hosting the CloudStack SF Bay Area Users Group and providing such a nice and spacious venue for all 35 CloudStackers.

For the rest of the photos of the meetup, click here.

Do you want to attend the next CloudStack meetup in the Bay Area? Become a member of our growing group and join us for pizza, beer and CloudStack talks in the 2014! Visit:

We're hoping to hold the next meetup in May 2014. Stay tuned! 


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