Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Storage Hackathon Before OpenStack Developer Summit! [feedly]


Storage Hackathon Before OpenStack Developer Summit!
// Ceph

For those of you attending the OpenStack Developer Summit next week in Atlanta, don't miss the Open Source Storage Hackathon the Sunday before! Originally slated as a Gluster community event, our Red Hat family has expanded it to include all manner of Open Source storage hacking fodder. Read below for John Mark Walker's description of the event.

Sign Up Today!

Hack into the Night!

Modern cloud workloads demand storage services that are easily consumable and available to a variety of platforms. We need to liberate our data from the shackles of the big, dumb (proprietary) storage box and move it into the 21st century. So come one, come all storage, cloud and big data developers and devops practitioners. The Data Liberate Hackathon will be a chance for developers in disparate worlds to link their applications, infrastructure and other code with storage services.

Here are but a few of the possible topics:

  • Swift API – the RESTful API for OpenStack Object Storage has matured to the point that it extends beyond the OpenStack world. Create apps that utilize the Swift API. Create the best app and win a prize.
  • GFAPI, librados and bindings – ever since the Gluster and Ceph Communities released target libraries and APIs, a host of integrations have followed suit: OpenNebula, OpenStack Nova and Cinder, Qemu/KVM, iSCSI TGT, SAMBA VFS, and many, many more. Build some apps; integrate with open software-defined storage platforms!
  • Cinder and Manila APIs – want to extend these APIs? Want to integrate your apps with them? Come on by and learn how
  • Storage automation – Puppet and Chef empower storage admins to automate their storage services just like everything else in the data center or cloud. Come help us hack on Puppet-Gluster, or perhaps any number of other configuration management tools
  • More? There are other things worth hacking on if you want to get involved. Just let us know.


1:00pm – 2:00pm – Introduction of topics and splitting into teams

2:00pm – 7:00pm – Hacking galore

7:00pm – 8:00pm – Show and tell

8:00pm – ??? – drinks on Red Hat

Are you a beginner? Cool! There will be experts on hand leading sessions throughout the day on how to get started.

Thanks to our sponsors!


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