Ceph Developer Summit: G/H
// Ceph
Hard to believe another quarter has gone by in the world of Ceph development! So much has happened with the release of Firefly (late, but well worth the wait!), another smashing OpenStack Developer Summit, and of course the acquisition of Inktank. As the dust settles from all of the hustle and bustle we're looking to get back on track with development.
So, since it has been a while since our last summit we thought it would be a good idea to have another "interim" summit to discuss work in flight, anything new that may have come up, and look forward to both our "Giant" and "Hammer" releases. In the spirit of organization I'm opening blueprint submissions for this "Ceph Developer Summit G/H" but only as "General" blueprints (which are open all the time). If you have new work, or things you would like to see in either Giant or Hammer, please enter them as such (and make a note on the blueprint) and we'll make sure they are tagged accordingly.
Now, on to the details!
Date | Milestone |
02 June | Blueprint submissions begin |
16 JUNE | Blueprint submissions end |
20 JUNE | Summit agenda announced |
24 JUNE | Ceph Developer Summit: Day 1 |
25 JUNE | Ceph Developer Summit: Day 2 (if needed) |
September 2014 | Giant Release |
As always, this event will be an online event (probably Google Hangouts again) so that everyone can attend from their own timezone. If you are interested in submitting a blueprint, collaborating on an existing blueprint, or just attending to learn more about Ceph, read on!
Planned Work
This summit has the advantage of already having had a CDS to work through the majority of the issues. In many cases work has already begun in earnest on most of the things discussed at the original Giant summit. The messenger work from the CohortFS guys is well underway, many of the MON improvements have seen substantial work, and the Erasure Coding world has seen work from both core Ceph devs and one of our Google Summer of Code students. All told Ceph development hasn't slowed down, our release cadence has just had a hiccup as Inktank changed lanes.
There will be a few new additions to this summit, however, which is the main reason we wanted to discuss it with the community. First, our wiki is in dire need of some housecleaning and content creation. I have started a large project in an effort to get us moving in the right direction, which I would love the community to be a part of. The other major development issue to tackle here is Calamari. Since we are open sourcing Calamari, we want to make sure the community is able to get up to speed on it quickly and start both participating in and consuming what it has to offer. Beyond those efforts we have a number of other things to discuss:
- Technical Component Leads (as a part of the Ceph Technical Committee)
- Foundation Update
- Cloud Update (OpenStack, CloudStack, OpenNebula, etc)
- OS/Container Update (CentOS SIG, CoreOS, Docker)
- CephFS Update (CohortFS, community work, tech lead, etc)
- Reassess work from Giant summit
As you can see there is lots to discuss. We will gauge how deeply to dive in based on interest (sign up here) and new blueprint submissions. Please complete either (or both) as soon as possible. Thanks!
The Summit
Since so much of this work is already in flight we'll most likely keep the sessions very brief. This will allow the blueprint owners to give an update on their projects and discuss them with Sage and the community directly. For new work we'll provide slightly longer sessions to ensure that they are appropriately scoped with clear ownership.
Once blueprint submissions close Sage and I will review submissions (both new and old) and create a schedule that is as time-zone-friendly as possible. We will try to be as respectful of people's calendars as possible. If you have any questions in the meantime please let me know. Thanks.
scuttlemonkey out
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