Monday, June 23, 2014

Join Us at MongoDB World 2014! [feedly]

Join Us at MongoDB World 2014!
// Build AWS-compatible Private Clouds with CumuLogic

MongoDB World blog

Our VP of Cloud Strategy, Chip Childers, and Chris Biow, Principal Technologist and Technical Director at MongoDB, will host a talk at MongoDB World 2014, the very first MongoDB World conference. The talk covers the automation of "MongoDB-as-a-Service" inside the firewall. Hope to see you there!

Logistics: Wednesday, June 15, 1:30 pm – 2:10 pm, Riverside Suite room

Abstract: With the increasing expectation of "as-a-Service" support from developers, the demand for fast and easy access to new MongoDB deployments can push an operations team to its limit. Although a wide variety of offerings are available in the public cloud, large enterprises typically have security and privacy requirements that require various degrees of on-premise control. Application teams must also be sure that their applications will reside close enough to the deployed database to reduce latency concerns.

In this talk, we show how Cumulogic's DBaaS Platform meets these requirements, empowering developers and DBAs with self service database access, while enabling IT Ops to retain control of the underlying infrastructure for governance and security.

Can't join us at MongoDB World? No problem. You can watch a similar presentation at your convenience on-demand, and download our white paper.


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