Sunday, July 20, 2014

Celebrate 10 Years of Ceph at OSCON! [feedly]

Celebrate 10 Years of Ceph at OSCON!
// Ceph

Ceph is coming back to OSCON next week (July 20-24 in Portland, OR). The difference however, is that this year we need two digits to tell people how old we are. Stop by for some mild festivities at the Ceph booth (P2) as we share cupcakes, and t-shirts that salute the hard work of all our committers since day one.

Photo credit:

Originally we had much bigger plans for a guerrilla show floor birthday spectacle, but summoning Cthulhu just seemed like far too much work and could have been potentially disruptive to our fellow attendees. So instead we're just going to enjoy hanging out with our community and sharing memories and calories.

In addition to the booth festivities there are several other things going on at OSCON this year. First, there will be an introduction to Ceph tutorial that will help to ease new users into setting up a cluster and the basic commands required to manage it.

Introduction to Ceph

  • Tutorial Summary: This Introduction to Ceph tutorial – delivered by the director of Ceph community for Red Hat, Patrick McGarry – will include a mix of lecture and instructor-led demonstrations that will introduce students to the Ceph distributed storage system, the challenges it addresses, its architecture, and solutions it offers. Attendees will leave understanding how Ceph works, how it can be integrated with your services and applications, and how it works alongside OpenStack. Along the way, attendees will also learn how Ceph was created, how it grew over the years, and how it may be a good solution for your data storage challenges.
  • When: July 20, 2014 from 13:30 – 17:00 PDT
  • Where: Room D139/140

Second, there will be a prize patrol wandering the floor looking for people sporting their Ceph birthday t-shirts. If you are caught wearing one at OSCON you could win a fun prize. Lastly, we will be kicking off a twitter photo contest at OSCON (to continue through the end of the month) that asks you to show how you are celebrating Ceph's birthday. The winner will win a desktop Ceph cluster to play with, so keep your eyes peeled for details to follow shortly!

We look forward to seeing everyone at OSCON, please stop by the booth and share a Ceph memory with us, especially if you are a veteran since Argonaut!


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