Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Ceph Turns 10 Twitter Photo Contest [feedly]

Ceph Turns 10 Twitter Photo Contest
// Ceph

OSCON has arrived (although if you came in for the Ceph tutorial session that's old news to you)! As a part of our participation in OSCON, and as a way to celebrate the fact that Ceph turned 10 years old this year, we have decided to have our party be a distributed one.

We would love to have our users send us pictures of whatever they might be doing to celebrate the 10th anniversary of ceph. Are you busy racking in 3 petabytes of storage to add to your Ceph cluster? Did you create a culinary masterpiece in the form of a squid cake? Are you sitting alone in the middle of the OSCON show floor with a party hat and a cupcake? We want to see! As thanks for sharing your birthday celebration efforts with the community we'll be picking one lucky winner to receive a desktop Ceph test cluster built by our very own Mark Nelson (Ceph performance guru extraordinaire!).

While the cluster wont break any speed records, and only a madman would use it for anything even remotely production ready, it will give you a Ceph cluster to play with and can sit on your desk to invoke feelings of envy in your coworkers. For more details check out the (new) contest page on the Ceph wiki. If you have any questions please contact me or just tweet @Ceph. Thanks, and happy birthday to Ceph!

scuttlemonkey out


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