Sunday, July 20, 2014

Off to OSCON .... [feedly]

Off to OSCON ....
// Latest blog entries

This week is OSCON, and I'm looking forward to my first year there as the official community manager for XenServer. In fact, it was at OSCON 2013 that I tentatively accepted the position and transitioned from a purely commercial Citrix CloudPlatform and XenServer focus to one where the platform, users and install-base matter most. It's been an interesting year and while we've not accomplished everything I'd have liked, we've made some significant strides forward. The most significant of which has to be the platform refresh, performance improvements and the alpha program we're currently running. So whether you like XenServer, think it might be cool, are curious as to why you should care, have used it in the past, or would use it if it only was a bit better, do try and find me and voice your opinion. In addition to learning from others, I'll be at the Open@Citrix Open Cloud Lounge, at the various Open@Citrix activities, presenting on hypervisor selection in Apache CloudStack on Wednesday, and of course if you want to hit me up on twitter as @XenServerArmy and grab some time, please do.     


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