Monday, July 28, 2014

OPEN CLOUD RECAP: 3rd Annual Open Cloud Poker Party & Lounge at OSCON 2014! [feedly]

OPEN CLOUD RECAP: 3rd Annual Open Cloud Poker Party & Lounge at OSCON 2014!
// CloudStack Blog

Open@Citrix sponsored the 3rd annual poker party at OSCON on Tuesday, July 22nd at OSCON. Poker tables were hosted by various open source projects. Thank you to ManageIQ, Fedora, Ceph, Bitnami, OpenShift, Apache CloudStack, Xen Project, OpenDaylight, SaltStack, Chef, Ansible, Atomic, oVirt, OrangeFS, CentOS and Apache Libcloud. It was a night filled with live music, beer, cocktails, hors d'oeuvres and prizes. Congrats to the lucky top 3 chip winners who took home Samsung Chromebooks 2!

Pictures from the 3rd Annual Open Cloud Poker Party:

Open Cloud Lounge

The Open Cloud Lounge was a comfy spot for OSCON attendees to hangout at. There were OpenDaylight, Apache CloudStack and Xen Project beanbags. Community members from the Xen Project and Apache CloudStack project handed out swag and cupcakes.

Pictures of the Open Cloud Lounge:

60 Recipes for Apache CloudStack by Sebastien Goasguen

Sebastien Goasguen signed early release copies of his book 60 Recipes for Apache CloudStack at the O'Reilly Media Booth. CloudStack fans lined up to get an autographed copy and their raffle ticket to win a Samsung Chromebook 2. Every book contained a raffle ticket!


Raffle at the Open Cloud Lounge

Each fan that had the chance to get a copy of 60 Recipes for Apache CloudStack received a raffle ticket inside their books. Russell Pavlicek drew two lucky winners on Tuesday! Congrats again to Joel Daves and Peter Rudenko!

Pictures from the raffle:

Tutorials and Breakout Sessions

Hands-on CloudStack Ecosystem tutorial by Sebastien Goasguen

Those who attended the Hands-on CloudStack Ecosystem tutorial based on Exobook, had the chance to dive tools such as cloudmonkey, Apache Libcloud, ec2stack and Ansible. Slides will be available soon.

Crash Course in Open Source Cloud Computing by Mark Hinkle

This crash course was designed to give an overview of cloud computing architecture and the open source software that can be used to deploy and manage a cloud computing environment. Mark discussed topics on virtualization (KVM, LXC and Xen Project), orchestration (Apache CloudStack, Eucalyptus, Open Nebula and OpenStack) and storage (GlusterFS, Ceph and others). Slides are available here.


Understanding Hypervisor Selection in Apache CloudStack by Tim Mackey

Tim gave attendees a fairly deep look at key areas such as networking and storage, and mapped the capabilities of each hypervisor into CloudStack features. Attendees learned how to build a single hypervisor based cloud using the hypervisor of their choice, and how to successfully extend that cloud to utilize multiple hypervisors. Slides are available here.

The Enterprise Challenge for Cloud Computing by David Nalley

Slides will be available soon.

Community War Stories : Squaring the Circle between Business and Community by Lars Kurth

Lars took attendees through some of the basic dynamics playing out in open source communities and introduced some mental models explaining them. Lars discussed the Open Source Flywheel (inspired by Walton's Productivity Loop and the Bezos Flywheel) and the Open Source Community Funnel (inspired by Sales Funnels) to explain them.

Slides are available here.


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