Friday, August 15, 2014

First OpenDaylight User Group Meeting in Austin, Texas [feedly]

First OpenDaylight User Group Meeting in Austin, Texas
// OpenDaylight blogs


We're seeing more people picking up and testing OpenDaylight Hydrogen in anticipation of our second release this fall. As excitement starts building for Helium, we've seen a lot of conversations by developers looking for a way to get together, learn and talk about OpenDaylight and the future of open SDN. From that desire came the creation of the OpenDaylight User Group (ODLUG), self-organized, informal groups that meet to share knowledge, help grow the community, discuss OpenDaylight and advance the conversation around SDN and NFV.

The first official ODLUG is based in Austin, Texas, and the group hosted its very first meetup last night. OpenDaylight developers Colin Dixon, Ed Warnicke and Vasu Srinivasan led an information-packed discussion around key debates in networking, SDN's promise and the OpenDaylight community's work toward creating an open platform for SDN. Attendees were also interested to learn about OpenDaylight's integration with related technologies like OpenStack, OpenFlow and projects slated for Helium.

The Austin ODLUG will meet regularly to host discussions around OpenDaylight and open SDN, including plans for lightning talks. Stay tuned for future meetups in Austin, learn how to start your own user group or get involved with an ODLUG in a city near you.

Do you know…

  • How many commits were made to OpenDaylight in the past 30 days?
  • How many developers contribute to OpenDaylight?
  • Why the software releases are named after chemical elements?

Want to see what else was discussed in Austin? Check out this video recording:


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