Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Webinar: Migrating Enterprise IT to AWS [feedly]

Webinar: Migrating Enterprise IT to AWS
// Chef Blog

Here at Chef we have the privilege to share all kinds of innovation, community news and compelling events with you via the blog. I'm particularly happy to invite you to a webinar we're hosting this week with Scholastic. If you are actively transitioning your IT or Dev organization (or just planning) come find out how this nearly 100 year old publishing company has accomplished their own modernization initiative with automation and cloud.

Daryn McCool, an IT leader with Scholastic will walk us through how they approached their transition to AWS. Join Daryn, me and Chris Munns from AWS as we cover key considerations, including:

    • Legacy workload migration and architecture
    • Security in public IaaS
    • Agility & Elasticity improvements
    • Culture change in IT
    • Introducing new Dev Tooling
    • Cloud costs and accounting

Please join us Thursday by registering here.


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