Thursday, August 21, 2014

XenServer and VMworld [feedly]

XenServer and VMworld
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Next week the world of server virtualization and cloud will turn its attention to the Moscone Center in San Fransisco and VMworld 2014 to see what VMware has planned for its offerings in 2015. As the leader in closed source virtualization refines its "No Limits" message; I wish my friends, and former colleagues, now at VMware a very successful event. If you're attending VMworld, I also wish you a successful event, and hope that you'll find in VMware what you're looking for. I personally won't be at VMworld this year, and while I'll miss opportunities to see what VMware has planned to push vSphere forward, how VMware NSX for multi-hypervisors is evolving, and whether they're expanding support for XenServer in vCloud Automation Center, I'll be working hard ensuring that XenServer Creedence delivers clear value to its community. Of course, I'll probably have a live stream of the keynotes; but that's not quite the same ;)


If you're attending VMworld and have an interest in seeing an open source choice in a VMware environment, I hope you'll take the time to ask the various vendors about XenServer; and most importantly to encourage VMware to continue supporting XenServer in some of its strategic products. No one solution can ever hope to satisfy everyone's needs and choice is an important thing. So while you're benefiting from the efforts VMware has put into informing and supporting their community, I hope they realize that with choice everyone is stronger, and embracing other communities only benefits the user.     


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