Monday, September 29, 2014

Ceph development environment in Docker [feedly]

Ceph development environment in Docker
// Ceph

The Docker package is installed with

sudo apt-get install  

and the loic user is made part of the docker group to allow it to run containers.

$ grep docker /etc/group  docker:x:142:loic  

The most popular ubuntu image collection reported by

$ docker search ubuntu | head -2  NAME    DESCRIPTION                 STARS ...  ubuntu  Official Ubuntu base image  715   ...  

is pulled locally with

docker pull ubuntu  

A container is created from the desired image (as found by docker images) is selected with:

docker run -v /home/loic:/home/loic -t -i ubuntu:14.04  

the home directory is mounted into the container because it contains the local Ceph clone used for development. The user loic is recreated in the container with

adduser loic  

and the necessary development packages are installed with

apt-get build-dep ceph  apt-get install libudev-dev git-core python-virtualenv emacs24-nox ccache  

The state of the container is saved for re-use with

$ docker ps  CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               ...  2c694d6d5f90        ubuntu:14.04        ...  $ docker commit 2c694d6d5f90 ubuntu-14.04-ceph-devel  

Ceph is then compiled and tested locally with

cd ~/software/ceph/ceph  ./  ./configure --disable-static --with-debug \     CC='ccache gcc' CFLAGS="-Wall -g" \     CXX='ccache g++' CXXFLAGS="-Wall -g"  make -j4  make check  

If there is not enough space in /var/lib/docker it can be moved with

$ grep ^DOCKER_OPTS /etc/default/docker  DOCKER_OPTS="-g=/home/docker"  $ restart docker  

The devicemapper storage backend is preferred.

$ grep ^DOCKER_OPTS /etc/default/docker  DOCKER_OPTS="-g=/home/docker --storage-driver=devicemapper"  $ restart docker  

By default it uses files but Yann Dupont found that it can also be mapped to block devices instead with

--storage-opt dm.metadatadev=/dev/dm-26  --storage-opt dm.datadev=/dev/dm-27  --storage-opt dm.fs=xfs  

to save I/O.


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Sent from my iPhone

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