Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Introducing TODO for companies that are committed to open source [feedly]

Introducing TODO for companies that are committed to open source
// The GitHub Blog


GitHub has always been about making open source software better, and today we're launching TODO with a number of partners to help large organizations better support the open source community. If your company has an open source program–or is looking to initiate one–we hope you'll join us.

With TODO, we want to talk openly and develop openly to solve the unique challenges of using and building open source technologies within companies of all sizes. We plan to explore topics like what it looks like to release open source projects, how to shift ownership of projects from companies to the community, and how to make sure that open source projects remain healthy and active.

The inaugural members of TODO include Box, Dropbox, Facebook, GitHub, Google, Khan Academy, Square, Stripe, Twitter, and Walmart Labs. You can visit to sign up and learn more.


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