Monday, September 22, 2014

Survey of Test Kitchen providers [feedly]

Survey of Test Kitchen providers
// Mischa Taylor's Coding Blog


Test Kitchen supports a wide variety of different providers via Test Kitchen drivers besides the default kitchen-vagrant driver. In this post, we'll cover several popular alternatives.

Test Kitchen drivers are gem libraries available for download from . Use the kitchen driver discover command to list all the Test Kitchen gems currently available. Here is a list of all the Test Kitchen drivers as of this writing:

$ kitchen driver discover      Gem Name                          Latest Stable Release      kitchen-all                       0.2.0      kitchen-ansible                   0.0.1      kitchen-azure                     0.1.0      kitchen-bluebox                   0.6.2      kitchen-cabinet                   3.0.0      kitchen-cloudstack                0.10.0      kitchen-digital_ocean             0.3.0      kitchen-digitalocean              0.8.0      kitchen-docker                    1.5.0      kitchen-docker-api                0.4.0      kitchen-driver-vagrant_provision  1.0.0      kitchen-ec2                       0.8.0      kitchen-fifo                      0.1.0      kitchen-fog                       0.7.3      kitchen-gce                       0.2.0      kitchen-goiardi                   0.1.1      kitchen-inspector                 1.3.0      kitchen-joyent                    0.1.1      kitchen-libvirtlxc                0.4.0      kitchen-local                     0.0.1      kitchen-lxc                       0.0.1      kitchen-openstack                 1.6.0      kitchen-puppet                    0.0.13      kitchen-rackspace                 0.12.0      kitchen-rightscale                0.1.0      kitchen-salt                      0.0.19      kitchen-scribe                    0.3.1      kitchen-sharedtests               0.2.0      kitchen-ssh                       0.0.4      kitchen-sshgzip                   0.0.3      kitchen-sync                      1.0.1      kitchen-vagrant                   0.15.0      kitchen-vagrant_sandbox           0.1.1      kitchen-vagrant_winrm             0.1.1      kitchen-zcloudjp                  0.5.0      test-kitchen-provisioners         0.1  

By default, Test Kitchen defaults to using the kitchen-vagrant driver. When you run the kitchen init command to add Test Kitchen support to a project, you can add the --driver=<gem_name> option to have Test Kitchen generate configuration files using another driver of your choice. For example, the following command would use the kitchen-azure driver:

kitchen init --create-gemfile --driver=kitchen-azure  

As shown in the following diagram the environments supported by Chef-releated drivers fall into four different categories: desktop virtual machines, public/private cloud providers, Linux containers and physical machines. We'll cover representative examples from each category in this appendix.

Desktop Virtualization

Test Kitchen uses the kitchen-vagrant driver to work with desktop virtualization providers, like VirtualBox, VMWare Fusion, VMWare Workstation and Hyper-V. Since the kitchen-vagrant driver is just a shim on top of Vagrant for Test Kitchen, any provider that Vagrant supports should be supported by the kitchen-vagrant driver.

It is important to clarify that as of this writing, the kitchen-vagrant driver assumes that the virtualization provider is installed locally on the host machine. As shown in the following diagram, using the kitchen-vagrant driver, Test Kitchen creates a sandbox environment virtual machine locally on your host:

  1. Test Kitchen invokes the kitchen-vagrant driver to create a virtual machine instance.
  2. In the case of the kitchen-vagrant driver, Vagrant itself contains all the logic to work with different types of virtualization software. The kitchen-vagrant is just a small shim to allow Test Kitchen to use Vagrant to work with virtual machine instances. In this example, Vagrant uses the VirtualBox API to spin up a virtual machine instance for our sandbox environment.
  3. Once the sandbox environment is running, Test Kitchen links the instance for communication.

Test Kitchen treats the data center versions of VMware, like vCenter/vSphere/ESXi as a cloud provider. To Test Kitchen the data center editions are handled as if there were cloud instances, as vCenter/vSphere/ESXi merely a private cloud on a local LAN or corporate WAN instead of a public cloud over the Internet. As of this writing, the kitchen-openstack and kitchen-ssh drivers support vSphere data center virtualization with Test Kitchen.

kitchen-vagrant with VMware Fusion/VMware Workstation desktop virtualization

You can use VMware desktop virutalization with kitchen-varant instead of Oracle VM VirtualBox. It requires the purchase of the Vagrant VMware plugin from which, at the time of this writing, costs USD $79 per seat. The VMware plugin works with VMware Workstation 9 and 10 on Windows/Linux and VMware Fusion 5, 6 and 7 on Mac OS X.

On Mac OS X/Linux, you may have multiple virtualization solutions installed alongside VMware. On these platforms, you can use both VMware and VirtualBox baseboxes at the same time, for example, if you have enough system resources. On Windows, you must make a choice, as only one virtualization solution can be installed at a time.

Once you have purchased the VMware plugin and received a license file, you can install the Vagrant plugin and license with the following:

For VMware Workstation (on Windows/Linux):

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vmware-workstation  $ vagrant plugin license vagrant-vmware-workstation license.lic  

For VMware Fusion (on Mac OS X):

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vmware-fusion  $ vagrant plugin license vagrant-vmware-fusion license.lic  

After you install the VMware plugin and license file and want to use VMware, you'll need to get VMware baseboxes. Currently VirtualBox and VMware baseboxes are not interchangeable.

Once the VMware plugin and license has been installed, you'll need to change your .kitchen.yml files slightly for VMware. You can specify the VMware provider name in the platforms section of your .kitchen.yml file.

Modify the .kitchen.yml file, adding a provider: line to the platforms driver section. If you are using VMware Workstation, use the vmware_workstation provider name. For VMware Fusion, the provider name should be vmware_fusion. You'll also need to change the box_url line to point at a box file which has Vmware Tools installed, as box files are not guest tool agnostic. For this book, box files have been provided for both VMware and VirtualBox via VagrantCloud, so you can use the same box_url line.

Synced folders work the same as with VirtualBox. Just add a synced_folders: block to the driver: section with a list of folders to map between the guest and the host. Each entry in the list contains an array with two parameters. The first parameter is a path to the directory on the host machine. If the path is relative, it is relative to the .kitchen.yml file. The second parameter is an absolute path specifying where the folder is shared on the guest machine. The .kitchen.yml examples that follow map the current working directory on the host to the directory /vagrant on the guest, like so:

...         synced_folders:         - [".", "/vagrant"]  ...  

VMware Workstation .kitchen.yml example:

VMware Fusion .kitchen.yml example:

Once you modify the .kitchen.yml file appropriately the kitchen create, kitchen converge, etc. commands will use VMware instead of VirtualBox:

$ kitchen create default-centos65  -----> Starting Kitchen (  -----> Creating <default-centos65>...         Bringing machine 'default' up with 'vmware_fusion' provider...         ==> default: Cloning VMware VM: 'learningchef/centos65'. This can take some time...         ==> default: Checking if box 'learningchef/centos65' is up to date...         ==> default: Verifying vmnet devices are healthy...         ==> default: Preparing network adapters...         ==> default: Fixed port collision for 22 => 2222. Now on port 2200.         ==> default: Starting the VMware VM...         ==> default: Waiting for the VM to finish booting...         ==> default: The machine is booted and ready!         ==> default: Forwarding ports...             default: -- 22 => 2200         ==> default: Setting hostname...         ==> default: Configuring network adapters within the VM...         ==> default: Waiting for HGFS kernel module to load...         ==> default: Enabling and configuring shared folders...             default: -- /Users/misheska/github/learningchef/learningchef-code/chapa01/vmware/fusion: /vagrant         ==> default: Machine not provisioning because `--no-provision` is specified.         Vagrant instance <default-centos65> created.         Finished creating <default-centos65> (0m39.42s).  -----> Kitchen is finished. (0m39.66s)  

Test Kitchen Cloud Drivers

The following diagram shows how the Test Kitchen cloud drivers create a sandbox environment. The main difference between using a cloud provider and desktop virtualization is that the sandbox environment lives remotely on another machine. Test Kitchen communicates with the sandbox environment remotely over SSH, usually on the Internet.

  1. Test Kitchen invokes the specified driver (like kitchen-ec2) to create an instance on the cloud provider. Cloud provider drivers communicate with the cloud provider using the appropiate cloud API. Normally this is an HTTP API.
  2. The cloud provider spins up an instance to serve as our sandbox environment.
  3. Once the sandbox environment is running, Test Kitchen links the instance to your local development workstation for remote communication, usually over SSH. All Test Kitchen commands work with the remote sandbox environment transparently. As far as the user experience with Test Kitchen goes, it behaves as if it were a local desktop virtualization environment.

As of this writing, all of the Test Kitchen Cloud drivers do not support synchronized folders. All kitchen commands automatically copy your project files to the sandbox environment, as Test Kitchen uses scp to transfer files from your host to the remote cloud instance. For any other file sharing beyond what is supported by Test Kitchen, you'll need to use a Cloud Provider-specific mechanism, such as Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS).

DigitalOcean Cloud Provider (kitchen-digitalocean)

kitchen-digitalocean Setup

Go to to get your Client ID and API Key, as shown in the following diagram. As of this writing, the kitchen-digitalocean provider still uses the 1.x DigitalOcean API, not the v2.0 API. So you must use a v1.0 Client ID/API pair to work with the provider, not a v2.0 Personal Access Token. Record both the Client ID and API key values. Click on the Generate New Key button if your API Key is hidden or unavailable.

Collect SSH public keys from the computers which need access to your sandbox instances. Visit and add the SSH keys. Once you've added the SSH key(s), visit the URL in the following form to get your SSH Key IDs, replacing _<your_client_id>&api_key=<your_api_key>  

The following screenshot shows an example of the output from the site. Record the SSH Key ID fields.

Run the following kitchen init command to add Test Kitchen support to your project using the kitchen-digitalocean driver:

$ kitchen init --driver=kitchen-digitalocean --create-gemfile        create  .kitchen.yml        create  test/integration/default        create  Gemfile        append  Gemfile        append  Gemfile  You must run `bundle install' to fetch any new gems.  

Run bundle install to download and install any required gems.

kitchen-digitalocean .kitchen.yml Example

Since the Client ID, API Key and SSH Key IDs contain sensitive information, it is recommended that you store them in environment variables instead of directly in your .kitchen.yml file. This way, you can share your .kitchen.yml file with others and store it in source control. You can use embedded Ruby templates in a .kitchen.yml to load values from the environment. Here is an example kitchen.yml which spins up a CentOS 6.5 sandbox environment, loading the Client ID, API Key and SSH Key IDs from corresponding environment variables:

Before running any Test Kitchen commands, make sure you set the appropriate environment variables as shown below (with your own values):

Linux and Mac OS X:

export DIGITALOCEAN_CLIENT_ID="abcdef01234567890abcdef0123456789"  export DIGITALOCEAN_API_KEY="01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef"  export DIGITALOCEAN_SSH_KEY_IDS="12345, 67890"  

Windows Command Prompt:

set DIGITALOCEAN_CLIENT_ID=abcdef01234567890abcdef0123456789  set DIGITALOCEAN_API_KEY=01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef  set DIGITALOCEAN_SSH_KEY_IDS=12345, 67890  

Windows Powershell:

$env:DIGITALOCEAN_CLIENT_ID="abcdef01234567890abcdef0123456789"  $env:DIGITALOCEAN_API_KEY="01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef"  $env:DIGITALOCEAN_SSH_KEY_IDS="12345, 67890"  

The output of kitchen list should resemble the following:

$ kitchen list  Instance           Driver        Provisioner  Last Action  default-centos65  Digitalocean  ChefSolo     <Not Created>  

Spin up the node with kitchen create:

$ kitchen create default-centos65  -----> Starting Kitchen (  -----> Creating <default-centos65>...         Digital Ocean instance 2016149 created.  .........................................................................         Waiting for         (ssh ready)           Finished creating <default-centos65> (2m22.61s).  -----> Kitchen is finished. (2m23.04s)  

Install Chef Client with kitchen setup. kitchen destroy will delete your Droplet on DigitalOcean.

Refer to the kitchen-digitalocean driver documentation on for more information on additional .kitchen.yml settings.

Amazon EC2 Cloud Provider (kitchen-ec2)

kitchen-ec2 Setup

In order to use the kitchen-ec2 driver, you'll need to create an Amazon Web Services access key, consisting of an access key ID plus a secret key. You can create a new access key ID and secret _key or retrieve an existing access key ID on the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) page in the AWS Console. Once you select a user, click on the Manage Access Keys button as shown in the following:

In the Manage Access keys dialog, click on the Create Access Key button to create a new access key ID and secret _key as shown in the following:

AWS will create your access key. You can click on Show User Security Credentials to display the Access Key ID and the Secret Access Key. Make note of these as this is the last time they will be displayed. You can also click on the Download Credentials button to download the credentials as a .csv file as shown below:

Create a key pair to use when you launch instances. Amazon EC2 supports a variety of ways to work with key pairs. Refer to for more information.

Make sure you set permissions on the key pair. Otherwise kitchen-ec2 will ignore the file.

chmod 400 my-key-pair.pem  

Run the following kitchen init command to add Test Kitchen support to your project using the kitchen-ec2 driver:

$ kitchen init --driver=kitchen-ec2 --create-gemfile        create  .kitchen.yml        create  test/integration/default        create  Gemfile        append  Gemfile        append  Gemfile  You must run `bundle install' to fetch any new gems.  

Run bundle install to fetch any new gems.

kitchen-ec2 .kitchen.yml Example

Since the Access Key ID, Secret Access Key and SSH Key ID contain sensitive information, it is recommended that you store these values in environment variables instead of directly in your .kitchen.yml file. This way, you can share your .kitchen.yml file with others and store it in source control. You can use embedded Ruby templates in a .kitchen.yml file to load values from the environment. Here is an example kitchen.yml which spins up a CentOS 6.5 sandbox environment, loading the Access Key ID, Secret Acces Key and SSH Key ID from corresponding environment variables:

Before running any Test Kitchen commands, make sure you set the appropriate environment variables as shown below (with your own values):

Linux and Mac OS X:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="ABCDEFGHI123JKLMNOPQ"  export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz"  export AWS_SSH_KEY_ID="keyid1234"  export AWS_SSH_KEY="$HOME/ec2/$AWS_SSH_KEY_ID.pem"  

Windows Command Prompt:

set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=ABCDEFGHI123JKLMNOPQ  set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz  set AWS_SSH_KEY_ID=keyid1234  set AWS_SSH_KEY=%USERPROFILE%/ec2/%AWS_SSH_KEY_ID%.pem  

Windows Powershell:

$env:AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="ABCDEFGHI123JKLMNOPQ"  $env:AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz"  $env:AWS_SSH_KEY_ID="keyid1234"  $env:AWS_SSH_KEY="$env:userprofile/ec2/$env:aws_ssh_key_id.pem"  

The output of kitchen list should resemble the following:

$ kitchen list  Instance           Driver  Provisioner  Last Action  default-centos65  Ec2     ChefSolo     <Not Created>  

Spin up the node with kitchen create:

$ kitchen create default-centos65  -----> Starting Kitchen (  -----> Creating <default-centos65>...         EC2 instance <i-5b6f2b70> created.  ...........       (server ready)         Waiting for         Waiting for         Waiting for         Waiting for         (ssh ready)\n         Finished creating <default-centos65> (3m2.97s).  -----> Kitchen is finished. (3m3.40s)  


You may be prompted to opt in and accept the terms and subscribe to using the AWS Marketplace CentOS image the first time you spin up an image. The kitchen-ec2 driver will provide you with a link to the opt in URL.


You might not be able to create CentOS images in all availability zones. The kitchen-ec2 driver will advice you of your availability zone options if there is an issue with your availability zone choice.

Install Chef Client with kitchen setup. kitchen destroy will delete your EC2 instance.

Refer to the kitchen-ec2 driver documentation on for more information additional .kitchen.yml settings.

Google Compute Engine Cloud Provider (kitchen-gce)

kitchen-gce Setup

Create a Google Compute Engine project in the Google Developers Console at Create a Service Account Key by navigating to APIs & auth > Credentials. Under OAuth start the process by clicking on the CREATE NEW CLIENT ID button as shown here:

On the Create Client ID dialog, choose Service account then click on Create Client ID as shown below. This will generate a private key file along with a password. Record this information, as it is the only time it will be displayed.

Make note of the Email address field for the Service Account (not to be confused with the project owner's Email Address at the top of the page) as shown in the following. You'll be recording this in the google_client_email field in the .kitchen.yml.

If you do not already have an SSH key pair to login, create them using ssh-keygen or an equivalent tool. Register the public key in the Google Developer Console. The default file name for a public key is $HOME/.ssh/ Navigate to Compute > Compute Engine > Metadata on the Google Developers Console. Make sure the SSH_keys is selected in the panel on the right, then click on the Add SSH key button as shown in the following:

Copy the public key file contents to the clipboard and paste it into the Enter entire key data field. Click on the Done button to save.

Run the following kitchen init command to add Test Kitchen support to your project using the kitchen-gce driver:

$ kitchen init --driver=kitchen-gce --create-gemfile        create  .kitchen.yml        create  test/integration/default        create  Gemfile        append  Gemfile        append  Gemfile  You must run `bundle install' to fetch any new gems.  

Run bundle install to fetch any new gems.

kitchen-gce .kitchen.yml Example

Since the project, client e-mail and key location are sensitive information and differ between users, it is recommended that you store them in environment variables instead of directly in your .kitchen.yml file. This way, you can share your .kitchen.yml file with others and store it in source control. You can use an embedded Ruby template in a .kitchen.yml file to load values from the environment. Here is an example kitchen.yml which spins up a CentOS 6.5 sandbox environment, loading the project and client e-mail from corresponding environment variables:

Before running any Test Kitchen commands, make sure you set the appropriate environment variables as shown below (with your own values):

Linux and Mac OS X:

export GOOGLE_PROJECT="alpha-bravo-123"  export GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL=""  export GOOGLE_KEY_LOCATION="$HOME/gce/1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678-privatekey.p12"  

Windows Command Prompt:

set GOOGLE_PROJECT=alpha-bravo-123  set  set GOOGLE_KEY_LOCATION=%USERPROFILE%/gce/1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678-privatekey.p12  

Windows Powershell:

$env:GOOGLE_PROJECT="alpha-bravo-123"  $env:GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL=""  $env:GOOGLE_KEY_LOCATION="$env:userprofile/gce/1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678-privatekey.p12"  

The output of kitchen list should resemble the following:

$ kitchen list  Instance          Driver  Provisioner  Last Action  default-centos65  Gce     ChefSolo     <Not Created>  

Spin up the node with kitchen create:

$ kitchen create default-centos65  -----> Starting Kitchen (  -----> Creating <default-centos65>...         GCE instance <default-centos65-31681aab-e6a2-494b-99cb-9b920a1f6284> created.  ..       (server ready)         (ssh ready)         Finished creating <default-centos65> (1m26.70s).  -----> Kitchen is finished. (1m28.18s)  

Install Chef Client with kitchen setup. kitchen destroy will delete your Google Compute Engine instance.

Refer to the kitchen-gce driver documentation on for more information on additional .kitchen.yml settings.

Rackspace Cloud Provider (kitchen-rackspace)

kitchen-rackspace Setup

Login to the Cloud Sites Control Panel at Navigate to Your Account > API Access to display your username and API key as shown in below:

Run the following kitchen init command to add Test Kitchen support to your project using the kitchen-rackspace driver:

$ kitchen init --driver=kitchen-rackspace --create-gemfile        create  .kitchen.yml        create  test/integration/default        create  Gemfile        append  Gemfile        append  Gemfile  You must run `bundle install' to fetch any new gems.  

Run bundle install to fetch any new gems.

kitchen-rackspace .kitchen.yml Example

Since the username and API Key are sensitive information and differ between users, it is recommended that you store them in environment variables instead of directly in your .kitchen.yml file. This way, you can share your .kitchen.yml file with others and store it in source control. You can use an embedded Ruby template in a .kitchen.yml file to load values from the environment. Here is an example kitchen.yml which spins up a CentOS 6.5 sandbox environment, loading the project and client e-mail from corresponding environment variables:

Before running any Test Kitchen commands, make sure you set the appropriate environment variables as shown below (with your own values):

Linux and Mac OS X:

export RACKSPACE_USERNAME="alice"  export RACKSPACE_API_KEY="abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789"  export RACKSPACE_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH="$HOME/.ssh/"  

Windows Command Prompt:

set RACKSPACE_USERNAME=alice  set RACKSPACE_API_KEY=abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789  set RACKSPACE_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH=%USERPROFILE%/.ssh/  

Windows Powershell:

$env:RACKSPACE_USERNAME="alice"  $env:RACKSPACE_API_KEY="abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789"  $env:RACKSPACE_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH="$env:userprofile/.ssh/"  

The output of kitchen list should resemble the following:

$ kitchen list  Instance          Driver     Provisioner  Last Action  default-centos65  Rackspace  ChefSolo     <Not Created>  

Spin up the node with kitchen create:

$ kitchen create default-centos65  -----> Starting Kitchen (  -----> Creating <default-centos65>...         Rackspace instance <9456b985-3a41-4cb0-a3cf-7536cc15baf7> created.         (server ready)         (ssh ready)         Finished creating <default-centos65> (0m37.77s).  -----> Kitchen is finished. (0m38.21s)  

Then install Chef Client with kitchen setup. kitchen destroy will delete your instance on Rackspace.

Refer to the kitchen-gce driver documentation on for more information on additional .kitchen.yml settings.

Linux Container Drivers

You can regard Linux Containers to be a resource-efficient variant of virtual machines. As shown in the following diagram, Linux containers trade off the flexibility (and overhead) of being able to run different operating systems in each guest to minimize resource consumption by having all guests share the same OS kernel. In container environments, guests are isolated like virtual machines using more lightweight mechanisms around Linux processes instead.

This idea has its origins in attempts to provide better process isolation to chroot jails. chroot is a Unix command that facilitates creating a separate virtualized copy of the operating system by changing the apparent root directory (/) to processes running within this copy of the operating system. Other variants of Unix have added extensions to this chroot mechanism to provide better isolation of the guest process, such as FreeBSD jails and Solaris Containers. Linux Containers bring this process-based isolation mechanism to the standard Linux kernel via a recently added kernel feature called control groups.

As of this writing, there are no container-like Test Kitchen drivers for Windows. Microsoft is working on adding similar lightweight virtualization technology to Windows via its Drawbridge virtalization technology[]. The only equivalent to Linux Containers in Windows at this moment is Microsoft Applications Virtualization (App-V), which has been around for quite some time, but it has a major drawback in requiring modification of target applications in order to work with the system, so it is not widely used.

The following diagram shows the steps in the sandbox environment creation process for containers. It is identical to the host-based model presented previously, just using lightweight, isolated container processes instead of full-blown virtual machines.

  1. Test Kitchen invokes the container driver (kitchen-docker or kitchen-lxc) to create a container instance.
  2. The Test Kitchen driver uses the operating system APIs for Linux Containers to create a new instance for our sandbox environment.
  3. Once the sandbox environment is running, Test Kitchen links the instance for communication.

As of this writing, Test Kitchen drivers for Linux Containers do not support functionality equivalent to synchronized folders. All Test Kitchen commands use scp to transfer files from your host to the container instance. For any other file sharing beyond what is supported by Test Kitchen, you'll need to make direct use of the file sharing mechanisms provided by the container driver being used. This is where Docker shines, as it supports data volume containers which bypass container image layering. Data volume containers are an ideal way to share data between containers. It is also possible to mount host directories in a container, but that has more limited use cases. Refer to the documentation on your container provider for more information.

You can combine together virtual machines with Linux containers to use containers on platforms that do not have native container support, like Mac OS X and Windows. The following diagram presents an overview of the setup. With virtual machines, it is usually not possible to nest virtualization software instances. Running virtualization software inside guest OS instances is either prohibited or painfully slow. However, it's perfectly fine to run Linux Containers within a virtual machine. To the outer virtualization software, the container instances are merely Linux processes.

In the next section on Docker, we'll show you how to use this technique for readers running Mac OS X or Windows. Neither platform supports Linux containers natively on the host. Chef Software uses a Docker-based VM in training classes, so that students with laptops running Mac OS X or Windows can use the same setup as the students using Linux. This approach also saves money, as Chef Software uses cloud providers for training, and these providers charge based the number of instances and resources used. The lightweight Docker instances consume fewer resources and only require one running instance on the cloud provider - all the other instances are just lightweight container instances, which cloud providers (currently) do not charge extra. You may want to consider using Linux Containers in a similar fashion to save money if you make heavy use of third-party virtualization or cloud providers, like we do.

Docker Driver (kitchen-docker)

If you are using Linux, refer to the Docker installation guide for instructions on how to install and configure Docker in your environment:

Chef Training Environment Setup

Skip ahead to the next secion if you are using Linux and already have Docker installed. Otherwise, you'll need to spin up a virtual machine with Docker installed in order to play around with a container environment.

We've created a Chef training environment that has Docker and the Chef Development Kit used in this book preinstalled on a Linux virtual machine. We use this same instance in official Chef training. It's also a handy environment for playing around with containers using Test Kitchen.

First, make sure you install Vagrant and VirtualBox or Vagrant and VMware.

Create a directory for the Chef training environment project called chef and make it the current directory.

$ mkdir chef  $ cd chef  

Add Test Kitchen support to the project using the default kitchen-vagrant driver by running kitchen init. Then run bundle install to install the necessary gems for the Test Kitchen driver.

$ kitchen init --create-gemfile        create  .kitchen.yml        create  test/integration/default        create  Gemfile        append  Gemfile        append  Gemfile  You must run `bundle install' to fetch any new gems.    $ bundle install  Fetching gem metadata from  Fetching additional metadata from  Resolving dependencies...  Using mixlib-shellout (1.4.0)  Using net-ssh (2.9.1)  Using net-scp (1.2.1)  Using safe_yaml (1.0.3)  Using thor (0.19.1)  Using test-kitchen (1.2.1)  Using kitchen-vagrant (0.15.0)  Using bundler (1.5.2)  Your bundle is complete!  Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.  

Modify the .kitchen.yml file to use the Chef training image as shown in the following .kitchen.yml:

Run kitchen create to spin up the image:

$ kitchen create  -----> Starting Kitchen (  -----> Creating <default-learningchef>...         Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...         ==> default: Importing base box 'learningchef/chefdk-box'...         ==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...         ==> default: Checking if box 'learningchef/chefdk-box' is up to date...         ==> default: Setting the name of the VM: default-learningchef_default_1404728110875_23069         ==> default: Fixed port collision for 22 => 2222. Now on port 2200.         ==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...         ==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...             default: Adapter 1: nat         ==> default: Forwarding ports...             default: 22 => 2200 (adapter 1)         ==> default: Booting VM...         ==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...             default: SSH address:             default: SSH username: vagrant             default: SSH auth method: private key             default: Warning: Remote connection disconnect. Retrying...         ==> default: Machine booted and ready!         ==> default: Checking for guest additions in VM...         ==> default: Setting hostname...         ==> default: Machine not provisioning because `--no-provision` is specified.         Vagrant instance <default-learningchef> created.         Finished creating <default-learningchef> (0m36.99s).  -----> Kitchen is finished. (0m37.44s)  

Then run kitchen login to use Docker! Note that the image also has the latest Chef Development Kit installed (as of this writing). You will be running the Test Kitchen Docker driver inside this virtual machine. It has been pre-populated with all the necessary files to spin up the CentOS 6.5 images used in the exercises for this book:

$ kitchen login  Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-24-generic x86_64)     * Documentation:  Welcome to the Learning Chef training environment  Last login: Fri May 23 13:49:31 2014 from  vagrant@default-learningchef:~$ docker --version  Docker version 0.11.1, build fb99f99  vagrant@default-learningchef:~$ kitchen --version  Test Kitchen version  vagrant@default-learningchef:~$  


Sharp-eyed readers might notice that this is an Ubuntu image. It is perfectly OK to spin up CentOS images on Ubuntu, as long as you use a version that shares the same kernel!


At first, the multiple layers of instances might be a little confusing. Refer back to the Docker diagram shown previously so that you can keep the big picture of this setup in mind. Also, modifying the command prompts so they clearly indicate which environment is the VM and which environment is a container instance is strongly recommended.

kitchen-docker Setup

Run the following kitchen init command to add Test Kitchen support to your project using the kitchen-docker driver:

$ kitchen init --driver=kitchen-docker --create-gemfile        create  .kitchen.yml        create  test/integration/default        create  Gemfile        append  Gemfile        append  Gemfile  You must run `bundle install' to fetch any new gems.  

Run bundle install to download and install any required gems.

kitchen-docker .kitchen.yml Example

The following .kitchen.yml presents an example which spins up a CentOS 6.5 sandbox environment:

The output of kitchen list should resemble the following:

$ kitchen list  Instance          Driver  Provisioner  Last Action  default-centos65  Docker  ChefSolo     <Not Created>  

Spin up the node with kitchen create:

$ kitchen create  -----> Starting Kitchen (  -----> Creating <default-centos65>...         Step 0 : FROM centos:latest         Pulling repository centos          ---> 0c752394b855  ...         Waiting for localhost:49153...         Waiting for localhost:49153...         Finished creating <default-centos65> (1m19.28s).  -----> Kitchen is finished. (1m19.34s)  

At the time of this writing, due to some issues with kitchen-docker, you may be prompted for kitchen@localhost's password. The password is kitchen

$ kitchen login  kitchen@localhost's password: kitchen  Last login: Mon Jul  7 11:37:14 2014 from  [kitchen@55f29336b435 ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release  CentOS release 6.5 (Final)  [kitchen@55f29336b435 ~]$ exit  logout  Connection to localhost closed.  

Install Chef Client with kitchen setup. kitchen destroy will delete container instance.

Refer to the kitchen-docker driver documentation on for more information on additional .kitchen.yml settings.

Physical Machine Drivers

As of this writing, Test Kitchen does not currently support chef-metal. It is currently planned to provide robust support for managing sandbox environments running on physical machines using chef-metal (though plans sometimes change).

Until Test Kitchen supports chef-metal, the only way to use Test Kitchen with physical machines currently (other than your local host) is to use the kitchen-ssh driver. This is actually a generic way to integrate any kind of machine with Test Kitchen, not just physical machines. As long as the machine accepts ssh connections, it will work.

The following diagram shows an overview of the Test Kitchen instance creation process using kitchen-ssh. It is similar to the creation process used for cloud instances with the Test Kitchen environment being run on a remote machine, but there is only one step because an isolated sandbox instance is not created. The kitchen-ssh driver merely links up an SSH communication channel with Test Kitchen in the remote machine's host environment.

It is assumed that you are using some other method outside of Test Kitchen to be able to easily reset the environment. Also, since it does not spin up a new instance, you will need to make sure the machine that you are linking to has CentOS 6 installed to match the exercises in this book.

Driver for any server with an SSH address (kitchen-ssh)

Run the following kitchen init command to add Test Kitchen support to your project using the kitchen-ssh driver:

$ kitchen init --driver=kitchen-ssh --create-gemfile        create  .kitchen.yml        create  test/integration/default        create  Gemfile        append  Gemfile        append  Gemfile  You must run `bundle install' to fetch any new gems.  

Run bundle install to fetch any required gems.

kitchen-ssh .kitchen.yml Example

The following .kitchen.yml assumes that you are connecting to an existing CentOS 6.5 environment with an SSH server running. Change the hostname:, username: and password: fields accordingly to match your remote machine's settings:

The output of kitchen list should resemble the following:

Instance          Driver  Provisioner  Last Action  default-centos65  Ssh     ChefSolo     Created  

Initiate a connection to the node with kitchen create. You could also run kitchen login without needing to run kitchen create in this case, as kitchen create does nothing:

$ kitchen create  -----> Starting Kitchen (  -----> Creating <default-centos65>...         Kitchen-ssh does not start your server '' but will look for an ssh connection with user 'alice'  ---         Kitchen-ssh found ssh ready on host '' with user 'alice'           Finished creating <default-centos65> (0m0.01s).  -----> Kitchen is finished. (0m0.02s)  

Install Chef Client with kitchen setup. For this driver, kitchen destroy does nothing, just like kitchen create, besides updating the status in Test Kitchen.

Refer to the kitchen-ssh driver documentation on for more information on additional .kitchen.yml settings.


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