Friday, November 28, 2014

Placement_pools on Rados-GW [feedly]

Placement_pools on Rados-GW
// Ceph

The purpose of this test is to map a RadosGw Bucket to a specific Ceph pool. For exemple, if using a fast pool with ssd and a low pool for archive…

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 standard_bucket datas --> .rgw.buckets (default pool)   specific_bucket datas --> .rgw.buckets.custom

First, we create a pool .rgw.buckets.custom, with, for example, some specific parameters (different size and different ruleset in crushmap) :

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$ ceph osd pool create .rgw.buckets.custom 64 64  pool '.rgw.buckets.custom' created    $ ceph osd pool set .rgw.buckets.custom size 2  set pool 59 size to 2    $ ceph osd pool set .rgw.buckets.custom crush_ruleset 6  set pool 59 crush_ruleset to 6  

Then, we need to configure a specific placement_targets in region map and zone. For next step, you need to have a running config of rados-gw…

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$ radosgw-admin region get > region.conf.json  $ vim region.conf.json # Add an entry in placement_targets  
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{ "name": "default",   "api_name": "",   "is_master": "true",   "endpoints": [],   "master_zone": "",   "zones": [   { "name": "default",   "endpoints": [],   "log_meta": "false",   "log_data": "false"}],   "placement_targets": [   { "name": "default-placement",   "tags": []},   { "name": "custom-placement",   "tags": []}],   "default_placement": "default-placement"}  
1  2  
$ radosgw-admin region set < region.conf.json  ....  
1  2  
$ radosgw-admin zone get > zone.conf.json  $ vim zone.conf.json # Add an entry in placement_pools with key "custom-placement"  
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{ "domain_root": ".rgw",   "control_pool": ".rgw.control",   "gc_pool": ".rgw.gc",   "log_pool": ".log",   "intent_log_pool": ".intent-log",   "usage_log_pool": ".usage",   "user_keys_pool": ".users",   "user_email_pool": "",   "user_swift_pool": ".users.swift",   "user_uid_pool": ".users.uid",   "system_key": { "access_key": "",   "secret_key": ""},   "placement_pools": [   { "key": "default-placement",   "val": { "index_pool": ".rgw.buckets.index",   "data_pool": ".rgw.buckets",   "data_extra_pool": ".rgw.buckets.extra"}},   { "key": "custom-placement",   "val": { "index_pool": ".rgw.buckets.index",   "data_pool": ".rgw.buckets.custom",   "data_extra_pool": ".rgw.buckets.extra"}}]}  
1  2  3  
$ radosgw-admin zone set <zone.conf.json  2014-11-25 18:03:23.894153 7f728c0f2780 0 couldn't find old data placement pools config, setting up new ones for the zone  .....  
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$ radosgw-admin regionmap update  { "regions": [   { "key": "default",   "val": { "name": "default",   "api_name": "",   "is_master": "true",   "endpoints": [],   "master_zone": "",   "zones": [   { "name": "default",   "endpoints": [],   "log_meta": "false",   "log_data": "false"}],   "placement_targets": [   { "name": "custom-placement",   "tags": []},   { "name": "default-placement",   "tags": []}],   "default_placement": "default-placement"}}],   "master_region": "default",   "bucket_quota": { "enabled": false,   "max_size_kb": -1,   "max_objects": -1},   "user_quota": { "enabled": false,   "max_size_kb": -1,   "max_objects": -1}}    $ /etc/init.d/radosgw reload  Reloading ...  

To configure s3cmd for RadosGW you can have a look here :

Now we can test bucket creation :

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$ s3cmd mb s3://custombucket --bucket-location=custom-placement  Bucket 'custombucket' created    $ touch "file_on_custom_pool"    $ s3cmd put file_on_custom_pool s3://custombucket  WARNING: Module python-magic is not available. Guessing MIME types based on file extensions.  file_on_custom_pool -> s3://custombucket/file_on_custom_pool [1 of 1]   0 of 0 0% in 0s 0.00 B/s done  

Verify :

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$ radosgw-admin bucket stats --bucket=custombucket  { "bucket": "custombucket",   "pool": ".rgw.buckets.custom",   "index_pool": ".rgw.buckets.index",   "id": "default.240909.1",   "marker": "default.240909.1",   "owner": "testuser",   "ver": 1,   "master_ver": 0,   "mtime": 1417016078,   "max_marker": "",   "usage": {},   "bucket_quota": { "enabled": false,   "max_size_kb": -1,   "max_objects": -1}}  

Pool var is set on ".rgw.buckets.custom".

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$ rados -p .rgw.buckets.custom ls  default.241071.1_file_on_custom_pool  

It's here !

Data placement pool is define in this order :

  1. from the request ("bucket location")
  2. from user ("default_placement" : see with radosgw-admin metadata get user:<uid>)
  3. from region map ("default_placement")


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Sent from my iPhone

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