Sunday, November 16, 2014

Recent Rackspace study shows businesses adopting DevOps practices at a remarkable rate [feedly]

Recent Rackspace study shows businesses adopting DevOps practices at a remarkable rate
// Dev Ops Guys

What do you think – is Devops just a fad or is it here to stay? Well, Rackspace recently commissioned independent technology market research specialist Vanson Bourne to conduct this piece of research and answer that very question. 700 global technology decision-makers were surveyed and the study discovered that businesses are now recognising DevOps as an established industry with adoption figures soaring at an extraordinary rate. Companies are now seeing significant business value in implementing DevOps as part of their own everyday practices.

So let's look at the facts according to the Rackspace DevOps Adoption Study

What was previously recognised as a niche domain and implemented by only a select few, is now seeing widespread adoption and considerably transforming the way IT is viewed across a huge range of industries.

61% of those surveyed, highlighted customer satisfaction as the key incentive for DevOps adoption, enabling businesses to deliver better value to their customers through technology, and improve inefficiency to reduce delivery time to the customer.

While utilising DevOps practices and setting clear business goals at the beginning of every project, 57% saw an increased customer conversion or satisfaction rate.

The official Adoption Study infographic highlights 66% of respondents have already implemented DevOps practices, and 79% of those who have not, plan to do so by the end of 2015.

It is clear DevOps is increasingly being recognised as delivering real business value. A massive 93% reported setting clear end goals for their DevOps initiatives, showing a definite focus on significantly improving customer satisfaction for a long-term positive impact on the business as a whole.

In a nutshell – DevOps allows businesses to consider the ways in which they organise and structure their company to initiate better ways of working. It creates opportunities for businesses to deliver better experiences to their customers faster, broaden the range of services they offer and better serve their business by using data more proactively.

A big thank you to the Rackspace Adoption Study for these incredible figures. It's fantastic to see this industry expanding so rapidly, and we're looking forward to seeing what the future holds in this space.


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