Wednesday, November 12, 2014

RICON 2014 Build a Cloud Day - Videos are Available [feedly]

RICON 2014 Build a Cloud Day - Videos are Available
// CloudStack Blog

On October 27th, 2014 the Open@Citrix team hosted a Build a Cloud Day at RICON 2014. Thank you to the speakers who presented that day!

For those of you who haven't attended a Build a Cloud Day, here's what Build a Cloud Day is all about. Build a Cloud Days are free to attend and held around the world. Build a Cloud days are designed to expose attendees to the concepts and best practices around deploying cloud computing infrastructure. Attendees learn how to deploy a cloud computing environment using Apache CloudStack and other cloud infrastructure tools including those from XenServer, Docker, RiakCS, Ceph, Chef, Zenoss, Puppet and many others that automate server and network configuration for building highly available cloud computing environments.

Mark Hinkle kicked off the day with an introduction and a presentation on A Crash Course to Open Source Cloud Computing.

Crash Course on Open Source Cloud Computing by Mark Hinkle (Slides | Video)

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Mark gave an overview of cloud computing architecture and the open source software that can be used to deploy and manage a cloud computing environment.

Mark has written extensively on open source as the former editor-in-chief of LinuxWorld Magazine and for numerous other publications (Network World, Forbes, He currently is the Senior Director, Open Source Solutions at Citrix Systems where he helps support the Apache CloudStack and projects.

Hypervisor Selection in the Cloud by Tim Mackey (Slides | Video)

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Up next was Tim Mackey, the technology evangelist for XenServer and CloudStack within the Citrix Open Source Business Office. He focuses on server virtualization and cloud orchestration technical competencies. Tim reviewed the options of hypervisors such as XenServer, vSphere, KVM, Oracle VM, LXC and soon Hyper-V.

Introduction to Apache CloudStack by David Nalley (Slides | Video)

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David Nalley, committer on the Apache CloudStack project, a contributor to the Fedora Project and the Vice President of Infrastructure at the Apache Software Foundation presented an Introduction to Apache CloudStack. David taught attendees how CloudStack can be most efficiently deployed, and the problems to avoid in the process.

Cloud Application Blueprints with Apache Brooklyn by Alex Henevald (Slides | Video)

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Alex brings twenty years experience designing software solutions in the enterprise, start-up, and academic sectors. Most recently Alex was with Enigmatec Corporation where he led the development of what is now the Monterey® Middleware Platform™. Alex Henevald showed attendees how with just a few lines of YAML, you can build powerful application blueprints by composing pre-existing components, from polyglot web stacks to big data tools such as Riak. He also covered defining new blueprints using custom scripts, configuring machine selection and runtime policies, and managing new locations such as Clocker -- the cloud of docker.

Better, Faster, Cheaper Infrastructure using Apache CloudStack and Riak CS by John Burwell, Consulting Engineer at Basho (Slides | Video)

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John Burwell is a Senior Software Engineer at Basho Technologies. He also serves as an Apache CloudStack PMC member and committer focused on storage architecture and security integration. John took attendees on an exploration of cloud design strategies to achieve high availability and reliability using commodity components. He then applied these strategies using Apache CloudStack and Riak CS.

Primary Storage in CloudStack by Mike Tutkowski (Slides | Video

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Mike Tutkowski, a member of the CloudStack PMC, develops software for the Apache Software Foundation's CloudStack project to help drive improvements in its storage component and to integrate SolidFire more deeply into the product. Mike introduced the basics of primary storage in CloudStack and discussed the challenges of guaranteeing storage performance in a cloud and how by leveraging the latest enhancements to CloudStack, storage administrators can deliver consistent, repeatable performance to 10s, 100s or 1,000s of application workloads in parallel.

Interested in attending a future Build a Cloud Day? Stay up to date and check back in the Events section for a list of events happening in 2015! 



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