Friday, November 28, 2014

Survey Reveals Why Customers are Flocking to NoSQL and Why they are Selecting Riak [feedly]

Survey Reveals Why Customers are Flocking to NoSQL and Why they are Selecting Riak
// Basho

We recently asked TechValidate, an independent research organization, to survey over 400 Riak and Riak CS users to explore what motivated them to work with NoSQL solutions and why they chose Riak. We discovered that our customers have a great perspective on the pulse of the market and how Riak and Riak CS stack up. We now have the results and are excited to share them with you.

NoSQL over legacy relational databases
The survey started with a general question about why our customers chose to work with a NoSQL technology rather than a legacy relational database.

  • 71% of responding customers chose a NoSQL database technology over a relational database because they required a solution that would scale more easily


The survey results highlight that enterprises are looking for databases architected for high availability and fault-tolerance that are easy to scale from an operations perspective. Also the ability to scale and deploy the database across numerous clusters and geographies was seen as vital by many respondents. It's not surprising then that Riak is coming out on top in head to head-evaluations.

Riak delivers scalability and simplicity of operations
Customers are choosing Riak over other NoSQL options based on its' scalability and simplicity of operations.

  • 75% of responding customers chose Riak because it met scalability requirements
  • 61% of responding customers chose Riak because of its simplicity of operations (fault tolerance, ease of management and stability)

Other purchasing drivers for customers selecting Riak and Riak CS were to reduce IT infrastructure costs, meet performance and QoS SLAs, to support business growth expectations and for its multi-model approach.


Customers are realizing a Return on Investment in payback periods as little as 3 months with 71% of customers realizing a payback between 6 and 18 months of implementation

  • 91% of customers had a payback period of 18 months or less

The survey also highlighted that Riak's global availability, flexible data models, and massive scalability are empowering developers especially those with multi datacenter requirements.

  • Malcolm Matalka, Engineer at Klama AB said, "Riak has provided a model for structuring data in a highly available way and allowed us to go between data centers in a straightforward way."

Visit the Resources section of our website here to see additional survey results from our users and learn how Riak and Riak CS can help solve your cloud storage needs.


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