Monday, November 17, 2014

UsingChef Issue 32 [feedly]

UsingChef Issue 32
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Using Chef Issue 32

Tons of great news and information this week from AWS announcments, Chef Provisioning, and some Chef RFC updates.


Chef Client 12.0.0 Release Candidate
partial_search is now part of chef, updated ruby and more. Checkout the changelog for details.
via Chef @getchef

Accepted Chef RFCs for Nov 13
Noah Kantrowitz has been posting a recap and status of RFCs accepted and being discussed in the past week. Notabily the RFC to replace Solo with Local Mode was merged.
via Noah Kantrowitz @kantrn

Chef Governance & Maintenance
Good overview of the governance and advisory board that was recently setup to ensure users (you!) have a voice in the long term planning of Chef the project.
via Noah Kantrowitz @kantrn

Chef Conf 2015
3/31-4/2 in Santa Clara. Call for papers has been opened as well. Buy your tickets and submit those papers.
via Chef @chef

In search of a light weight windows vagrant box
Matt Wrock has been doing some awesome work with Windows and automation. Here he looks into making a useable, light weight Windows vagrant box.
via Matt Wrock @mwrockx

Chef Provisioning: Infrastructure As Code
Chef Provisioning (was Chef Metal) is now a Release Candidate and included in ChefDK. Chef Provisioning provides machine and other resources to the Chef DSL that allows you to provision machines and other infrastructure with chef.
via Chef @getchef

The Official Unofficial Getting Started with ChefDK Guide
Good overview of getting started with ChefDK and Chef in general from creating a cookbook to testing it with chefspec and serverspec. Also some great original robot artwork!
via James Francis @

AWS re:Invent Press Room
Incase you missed it, links to the new products announced.
via Jay Kreps @jaykreps

Security Update: Hosted Chef
New organizations in Hosted Chef will no longer be able to create, update or delete dta bag contents from recipes. This is to protect against bad actors gaining access to your nodes. Existing organizations are not affected.
via Chef @getchef

Released this Week

Tweet of the week

@lnxchk: They're heeeere. Yak Shaving Expert stickers at the @chef booth! #velocityconf #getchef


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