Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Xen Project 4.5 RC2 Test Day is November 13 [feedly]

Xen Project 4.5 RC2 Test Day is November 13
// Xen Project Blog

Join in the Next Round of 4.5 Release Candidate Testing on Thursday


The Test Day for 4.5 RC2 has been set for this Thursday, November 13, 2014.

Test Days insure that the upcoming release is ready for production.  It also allows power users to test out the upcoming release in their own environment.

Subsequent Test Days are expected to be scheduled roughly ever other week until it is determined that the software is ready for release.

General Information about Test Days can be found here:

and specific instructions for this Test Day are located here:

Join us Thursday in #xentest on Freenode IRC!


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