Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Five Challenges for Enterprise Mobility in 2015 [feedly]

Five Challenges for Enterprise Mobility in 2015
// Citrix Blogs

A defining trend of recent years has been the increasing business orientation of IT. No longer does IT work in a silo, thinking narrowly in terms of infrastructure and capabilities. The modern IT leader takes a business-first approach to technology decisions: what business strategies, initiatives and practices do we need to empower, and what's the best way to do it? Ideally, IT would inform its strategy based on discussions at the highest level of the business—but first, we have to earn that seat at the table by showing that we can keep up. When a business leader talks about ramping up an offshore workforce overnight, or providing access to a bank's financial systems from iPads in the hands of roaming employees, or attracting top talent with a more consumer-style work experience, they should be able to take it for granted that the answer from IT will be "yes." This post explores this in detail.


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