Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Sneak Peek of DevOps Enterprise Summit 2015 [feedly]

A Sneak Peek of DevOps Enterprise Summit 2015

Accelerate your DevOps Journey + Get 10% off your ticket

Only 6 more weeks until the industry's best practitioners share their stories of IT transformation and acceleration.

The DevOps Enterprise Summit (#DOES15) will gather the best practitioners, thinkers, and innovators in the DevOps space. Whether you're well on your way in your own efforts to adopt DevOps practices, or just beginning to wonder whether DevOps isn't something you should try, this is the event to accelerate your DevOps journey.

DevOps Enterprise Summit 2015
The Agile, Continuous Delivery and DevOps Transformation Summit
October 19–21, 2015
Hyatt Regency, San Francisco, CA

On stage will be leaders from Target, Disney, Nationwide, Nordstrom, Capital One, Raytheon Software, CSG, and many other organizations across a variety of sectors. These are individuals working in large-scale, complex environments who have dealt with the same problems you are struggling with now. Some of them are returning from last year to share their progress.

Top Five Problem Areas

I asked that every speaker at DevOps Enterprise 2014 end with a slide addressing one of the two following titles: "Here's what I don't know how to do" or "Here's what I'm looking for help with." We wanted a glimpse into what the top problems were that the entire community was facing, which we could then use as a research roadmap.

The top issues stated in 2014 were:

  • Better strategies and tactics for creating automated tests for legacy applications
  • Addressing culture and leadership aspects during transforming
  • Top approaches to organizational design, roles, and responsibilities
  • Information security and compliance practices
  • Identifying metrics to best improve performance with DevOps initiatives

This year, we reserved 15 talks specifically to address those areas. On the programming committee, we put our heads together, reached out to many in the DevOps community, and invited the most renowned experts in each area.

Expert Talks

Here's a sneak peek at some of the expert talks that I'm most excited about at this year's DevOps Enterprise Summit.

Dr. Steven Spear from MIT, is one of my personal heroes, credited for "Decoding the DNA Of The Toyota Production System," with H. Kent Bowen. He also helped create the amazing Alcoa management system with their CEO Paul O'Neill.

Mike Bland has been invited to share his story about build the testing culture at Google and is now part of the amazing 18F program to improve delivery of effective, user-centric services in the US government.

Elisabeth Hendrickson helped pioneer quality engineering practices for the last twenty years, and is someone who Jez Humble and I have admired for years. She presented last year on "Care and Feeding of Feedback Loops," has since been promoted to VP of Engineering at Pivotal Labs, and will discuss her journey around creating great engineering organizations with a culture of quality.

Joshua Corman is a longtime researcher in information security and John Willis is equally renowned in the DevOps community. They will be presenting their work on software supply chains, immutable infrastructure, and how they both impact DevOps productivity and security.

Ed Bellis was former CISO of Orbitz, and will share his experiences on how information security should ideally integrate into the DevOps value stream and how it impacts compliance and reporting.

Rosalind Radcliffe has made significant contributions to our profession over her entire career as a Distinguished Engineer at IBM, and she'll be sharing amazing strategies and tactics of how organizations can improve the state of automated testing on mainframes. John Willis says, "From green screens to GUI's, Tivoli to SOA, then showing up on the DOES 2014 stage presenting on mainframes and Devops at IBM. Unlike most people she is one of those rare individuals that has transcended four decades and always seems to be on the bleeding edge."

We will have two talks on how automated testing and other DevOps practices were put into practice at famous Yahoo! properties. Neil Manvar, solutions architect at Sauce Labs and former software engineer at Yahoo!, and Chris Riley, founder and DevOps analyst at Fixate.IO will talk about how Yahoo! implemented automated testing for Yahoo! Mail. Automated testing enabled the software quality team to spend more time on important user-facing product code and helped them introduce exciting new strategies for building higher quality apps faster.

Jim Stoneham will present on his experiences as the general manager of Yahoo! Communities division in 2009, including his first-hand observations of the Flickr "10 deploys per day" culture, and how many of those practices were replicated in Yahoo! Answers to increase their deployment cadence from once every six weeks to daily deploys.

Enter the discount code GENEKIM10 to get 10% off your ticket. Register for DevOps Enterprise Summit >>

In short, I have never learned as much as I did in any three days than at DevOps Enterprise Summit 2014. They were some of the most courageous and exciting transformation stories I had ever seen, and this year's conference is going to be even better. I hope you'll agree that we have an amazing conference in store for you at DevOps Enterprise Summit 2015! I look forward to seeing you there!

—Gene Kim


The post A Sneak Peek of DevOps Enterprise Summit 2015 appeared first on IT Revolution.

-- via my feedly.com reader

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